Lens Effects Glow Filter
Command entry:Video Post toolbar (Add Image Filter Event) Choose Lens Effects Glow from Filter Plug-In list. Setup

The Lens Effects Glow dialog lets you add a glowing aura around any assigned object. For example, for an exploding particle system, adding a glow to the particles makes them seem as though they are brighter and hotter.

The Lens Effects Glow module is multi-threaded and will take advantage of multi-processing machines.


To save your glow settings, do one of the following:

You can save all of your lens glow settings to a file, so you can reload them any time. Lens Effects Glow settings are saved to LZG file (.lzg).

  1. Click the Reset button.

    This resets Lens Effects Glow to its default settings.

  2. Click the Load button.

    This displays a Windows-standard file open dialog from which you can select the settings file you want to load.

  3. Click the Save button.

    This displays a Windows-standard Save As dialog in which you specify a directory and filename.


The Lens Effects Glow dialog contains a preview window, and an area below to control the parameters of Glow.

Preview group

Preview window

Lets you quickly preview the glow effect. The preview window is multi-threaded to take advantage of systems with multiprocessors, and updates every time you make a change to any of the glow settings that might affect the scene.


Displays a generic scene to which you can quickly set up a Glow effect. Appears light green when selected.

VP Queue

Lets you preview the scene in the Video Post queue. Preview must be selected for the VP Queue function to work.

Focus Control tabs

The Lens Effect Glow dialog contains four tabs:

Properties, Preferences, Gradients, and Inferno

Button group


Resets Lens Effects Glow to its default settings.


Displays a Windows-standard file open dialog from which you can select the settings file you want to load.


Displays a Windows-standard Save As dialog in which you specify a directory and filename. Lens Effects Glow settings are saved as LZG files.

  • Glow Properties

    The Lens Effects Glow properties let you determine which pieces of geometry in your scene will exhibit the effects of the glow filter, as well as how much of a glow is applied.

  • Glow Preferences

    Glow Preferences define the size of the glow, its occlusion, and whether or not it affects the Z-Buffer or alpha channels.

  • Glow Inferno

    The Inferno panel lets you create explosions, fire, and smoke effects by combining the lens flare glow with black and white fractal noise.