Command entry:mental ray material

Advanced Shaders rollout

Click Contour button.

Choose Width from Light (contour).
Command entry:Other material

mental Ray Connection rollout

Advanced Shaders group

Unlock Contour if necessary.

Click Contour button.

Choose Width from Light (contour).
The thickness of contours generated by the Width from Light shader are based on the direction of a light you can specifiy
in your scene.
- Color
The color used for rendering the contour lines.
- Min Width (%)
The relative thickness of the thinnest contour lines, where illumination is brightest.
- Max Width (%)
The relative thickness of the thickest contour lines, where illumination is darkest.
- Light
To specify a scene light source for use in determining contour thickness, click this button and then select a light. After
you specify a light, its name appears on the button.
To remove the specified light source from the shader’s influence, click the Clear button.