Command entry:Animation menu

Bone Tools

Bone Tools floater

Fin Adjustment Tools rollout
Controls on the Fin Adjustment Tools rollout are for adjusting some aspects of bone geometry, including fins.
- Absolute
Sets the fin parameters as absolute values. Use this option to set the same fin values for all selected bones.
- Relative
Sets the fin parameters relative to their current values. Use this option to retain size relationships between bones with
different-sized fins.
- Copy
Copies the bone and fin settings for the currently selected bone, in preparation for pasting to another bone.
- Paste
Pastes the copied bone and fin settings to the currently selected bone.
Bone Objects group
- Width
Sets the width of the bone.
- Height
Sets the height of the bone.
- Taper
Adjusts the taper of the bone shape. A Taper with a 0 value produces a box-shaped bone. Higher values pinch the bone where
it joins its child bone, while lower values expand that end of the bone.
Fins group
- Side Fins
Adds side fins to selected bones.
- Controls the size of the fin.
- Controls the start taper of the fin.
- Controls the end taper of the fin.
- Front Fin
Adds front fins to selected bones.
- Controls the size of the fin.
- Controls the start taper of the fin.
- Controls the end taper of the fin.
- Back Fin
Adds fins to the backs of selected bones.
- Controls the size of the fin.
- Controls the start taper of the fin.
- Controls the end taper of the fin.