Modifiers > 
World-Space Modifiers (WSMs)

World-space modifiers act as object-specific space warps. They are carried with the object, but like space warps use world space rather than object space for their effects. World-space modifiers eliminate the need for binding to a separate space-warp gizmo, making them convenient for modifying a single object or selection set.

You apply world-space modifier like you apply standard object-space modifier. You can access world-space modifiers from the Modifiers menu, the Modifier List in the Modify panel, and applicable modifier sets. A world-space modifier is indicated by either an asterisk or the text “(WSM)” next to its name. (The asterisk or “(WSM)” distinguishes the world-space version from the object-space version of the same modifier, if one exists.)

When you assign a world-space modifier to an object, it appears at the top of the modifier stack, listed as a binding, in the same area as the space warp bindings.

  • Camera Map Modifier (World Space)

    The Camera Map world-space modifier is similar to the Camera Map modifier, in that it applies UVW mapping coordinates to the object based on a specified camera. As a result, if you assign the same map as a Screen environment to the background as you apply to the object, the object is invisible in the rendered scene.

  • Displace Mesh Modifier (World Space)

    The Displace Mesh world-space modifier (World Space) lets you see the effect of Displacement mapping on editable mesh objects and objects with a Disp Approx modifier applied to them. If a displacement map is applied to the object, the mesh shows the effect of the displacement map. Displace Mesh replaces the mesh with its displaced version.

  • Displace NURBS Modifier (World Space)

    The Displace NURBS world-space modifier (World Space) converts a NURBS object into a mesh. If a displacement map is applied to the object, the mesh shows the effect of the displacement map in viewports. There are two main reasons for using Displace NURBS:

  • Hair And Fur Modifier (World Space)

    The Hair And Fur modifier is the heart of the Hair And Fur feature. You apply it to any object that you want to grow hair from: either a mesh object or a spline object. If object is a mesh, the hair grows from the entire surface unless you make a sub-object selection. If the object is a spline, hair grows between the splines.

  • LS Colors Modifier (World Space)

    The LS Colors modifier converts Lightscape radiosity values to 3ds Max vertex colors.

  • MapScaler Modifier (World Space)

    MapScaler maintains the scale of a map applied to an object. This lets you resize the object without altering the scale of the map. Typically, you might use this to maintain the size of a map regardless of how the geometry is scaled.

  • PatchDeform Modifier (World Space)

    The PatchDeform world-space modifier lets you deform an object based on the contours of a patch object. It works the same as the PathDeform (World Space), but uses a patch instead of a curve. With the exception of the Move to Patch button, its parameters are the same as those in the object-space PatchDeform modifier.

  • PathDeform Modifier (World Space)

    The PathDeform world-space modifier deforms an object based on a shape, spline or NURBS curve path. With the exceptions noted in the Interface section, this world-space modifier works the same as the object-space PathDeform modifier.

  • Point Cache Modifier (World Space)

    The world-space version of the Point Cache modifier works exactly the same as the Point Cache modifier, except that it uses world-space coordinates instead of local-space coordinates. Use this version when animating with world-space modifiers such as PatchDeform (WSM) modifier or PathDeform (WSM) modifier.

  • Subdivide Modifier (World Space)

    The Subdivide (WSM) modifier is similar to the object-space Subdivide modifier, and has the same parameters. In the world-space version of Subdivide, the size limit is on the mesh after it is transformed into world space coordinates.

  • Surface Mapper Modifier (World Space)

    The Surface Mapper (WSM) modifier takes a map assigned to a NURBS surface and projects it onto the modified object or objects. Surface Mapper is especially useful for seamlessly applying a single map to a group of surface sub-objects within the same NURBS model. You can also use it for other kinds of geometry.

  • SurfDeform Modifier (World Space)

    The SurfDeform (WSM) modifier works the same as the PathDeform (WSM) modifier, except that it uses a NURBS Point or CV surface instead of a curve.