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Material XML Export
You can export materials you create in 3ds Max to XML files, which can then be shared with other 3ds Max users or used in AutoCAD Architecture to modify material definitions.
NoteYou can add an exported XML material to your 3ds Max scene by dragging and dropping from a Web site or Windows Explorer onto an object in your scene, or by importing it directly
onto objects.
- Selection Method
The method for exporting materials.
- Lets you choose a material to export from the Material/Map browser.
- Lets you specify objects using the Select Object For Material Modifier Export dialog after you click Export. This dialog works
like the Select From Scene dialog. All materials assigned to selected objects are exported.
- Lets you select an object from the scene after you click Export. Any materials assigned to the selected object are exported.
- Exports all assigned materials in the scene.
- Output Format
Defines the format of the XML Material output.
Export group
These settings let you define the aspects of the material assignments to export.
- Material
Exports the material definitions.
- Create Thumbnails
Exports thumbnails for each material.
NoteThumbnail images are referenced by the ATC and displayed in the AutoCAD Content Browser and Autodesk VIZ Content Browser.
- Mapping Modifiers
Exports the mapping modifiers applied to specific objects.
- Export
Click to begin the XML export process using the defined selection method, output format, and export parameters.
After clicking Export (and optionally choosing what to export), you are prompted to set the path or URL to store in the XML
file as the path to any referenced bitmap files. The default is an empty string, which means no path will be prepended to
the bitmap file names when written to XML. When the material is later imported, it will be assumed that the referenced bitmap
file can be found in the bitmap search path.
If you have elected to export thumbnails or to apply your own XSL transform, you are then prompted to set a path to store
the thumbnail files and to locate your XSLT file, respectively.