Command entry:![](../images/GUID-D2BE83D3-DB0A-40EF-96FD-0D85D4A54DD5-low.png)
Material Editor
mental ray Connection rollout
For the Displacement component, turn off the lock button.
Click the button for the Displacement component.
Material/Map Browser
mental ray
Height Map Displacement
Command entry:![](../images/GUID-D2BE83D3-DB0A-40EF-96FD-0D85D4A54DD5-low.png)
Material Editor
mental ray material
Click the button for the Displacement component.
Material/Map Browser
mental ray
Height Map Displacement
Notemental ray shaders appear in the Browser only if the currently active renderer supports them.
The Height Map Displacement shader displaces the geometry of surfaces, and is specifically intended for use with height maps
generated by normal maps; see Creating and Using Normal Bump Maps.
ImportantWhen applying a material containing this map to an object, the mental ray Displacement
Smoothing option must be off. If such materials are applied to
all objects in the scene, you can
turn off Smoothing globally. Otherwise, turn off smoothing for each object whose material uses a height map via the Object Properties
mental ray panel (turn off Use Global Settings and then turn off Smoothing).
TipAvoid the temptation to apply MeshSmooth to a model when creating a height map for it. This changes the shape of the model
so the height values will not be correct. The low-res model must have exactly the same shape when the map is created and when
it is used for displacement. Also, MeshSmooth does not use the same algorithm as the mental ray displacement smoothing, so
using both forms of smoothing won't work perfectly. The best results are obtained by not smoothing the low-res model when
the map is created and also not using mental ray smoothing.
Also, avoid using a paint program to modify the height map. The values in the height map depend on the shape of both the low-res
and high-res models, and it's easy to damage the mathematical accuracy. If you paint any changes onto the map, you must be
careful to preserve the faceted look, and avoid the temptation to blur away the facets.
You might try painting in Additive and Subtractive mode to add or subtract to the displacement, because Normal mode will set
a fixed displacement, making it difficult for an artist to control the result.
Height Map Displacement (3dsmax) Parameters rollout
Be sure to enter the same values for Minimum and Maximum Height as the equivalents on the Projection Options dialog, as specified
- Minimum Height
- Maximum Height
- Height Map
The height map itself (usually a bitmap).