Command entry:Create a Daylight system.

Create panel or

Modify panel

Daylight Parameters rollout

Position group

Choose Weather Data File.

Click Setup.

Configure Weather Data dialog

Click Change Time Period.

Select a Time Period from Weather Data dialog
Command entry:Create a Daylight system.

Motion panel

Control Parameters rollout

Choose Weather Data File.

Click setup button.

Configure Weather Data dialog

Click Change Time Period.

Select a Time Period from Weather Data dialog
The Select A Time Period From Weather Data dialog works in conjunction with the Configure Weather Data dialog. It lets you choose a single time period from the weather data (EPW) file.
- Selected Time Period
Displays the currently selected time period. Default=The first period in the weather data file.
Select from the range of Time Periods in the Weather Data File group
- Period Selector
Drag this slider to browse the time periods available in the file.
- Increment Period Selector by
Use the Months, Days, Hours, or Minutes spinner controls to move the Period Selector by the corresponding unit of time. If
the file does not contain increments at that time level, the spinner has no effect.