Command entry:Main toolbar

(Render Setup)

Render Setup dialog

Choose Default Scanline Renderer as the active production renderer.

Advanced Lighting panel

Select Advanced Lighting rollout

Choose Radiosity from the drop-down list.

Statistics rollout
Command entry:Rendering menu

Render Setup

Render Setup dialog

Choose Default Scanline Renderer as the active production renderer.

Advanced Lighting panel

Select Advanced Lighting rollout

Choose Radiosity from the drop-down list.

Statistics rollout
This rollout lists information about the radiosity processing.
Radiosity process group
Lists the current level of quality and number of refine iterations in the radiosity process.
- Solution Quality
The current level of quality in the radiosity process.
- Refine Iterations
The number of refine iterations in the radiosity process.
- Elapsed Time
The time spent processing the solution since the last reset.
Scene Information group
Lists information on the radiosity processing of the scene.
- Geometric Objects
Lists the number of objects processed.
- Light Object
Lists the number of light objects processed.
NoteSelf-illuminated objects count as one light per face.
- Meshing Size
Lists the size of radiosity mesh elements in world units.
NoteTransparent, 2–sided, and translucent objects' faces are counted twice.
- Mesh Elements
Lists the number of elements in the mesh processed.