Command entry: 
Create panel


Choose Particle Systems from the drop-down list.

Object Type rollout

Super Spray
Command entry:Create menu


Super Spray
Super Spray emits a controlled spray of particles. This particle system is like the simple Spray particle system with the
added power provided by all the newer particle systems.
To create a super spray particle system:
- On the
Create panel, make sure
(Geometry) is active and Particle Systems is chosen in the object category list, then click Super Spray.
- Drag in any viewport to create the Super Spray emitter icon; see Creating a Particle Emitter.
The icon appears as an intersecting plane and circle with an arrow. The initial direction of the spray (based on the orientation
of the emitter icon and indicated by the icon arrow) depends on the viewport in which you create the icon. Generally, the
particles spray toward you when created in an orthographic viewport, or spray upward when created in a Perspective viewport.
- Adjust the various parameters to alter the spray effect.
NoteThis section describes the Particle Formation group in the Basic Parameters rollout, and the Particle Motion group in the
Particle Generation rollout. These are the only controls unique to Super Spray. The other Super Spray rollouts and their contents
are identical with those in Particle Array, except that Object Fragments and associated settings are not available on the
Particle Type rollout. See
PArray Particle System for details or choose from the following list for rollout information.
Particle Generation Rollout (PArray)
Particle Type Rollout (PArray)
Rotation and Collision Rollout (PArray)
Object Motion Inheritance Rollout (PArray)
Bubble Motion Rollout (PArray)
Particle Spawn Rollout (PArray)
Load/Save Presets Rollout (PArray)
Basic Parameters rollout > Particle Formation group
These items control the direction and spread of particles.
- Off Axis
Affects the angle of the particle stream off the Z axis (along the plane of the X axis).
- Spread
Affects the spread of the particles away from the emission vector (along the plane of the X axis).
- Off Plane
Affects the angle of emission about the Z axis. This has no effect if Off Axis is set to 0.
- Spread
Affects the spread of the particles about the Off Plane axis. This has no effect if Off Axis is set to 0.
Particle Generation rollout > Particle Motion group
- Speed
The speed of the particle at birth, in units per frame.
- Variation
Applies a percentage of variation to the speed of emission for each particle.