Command entry: 
Create panel


Choose Particle Systems from the drop-down list.

Object Type rollout


Load/Save Presets rollout
Command entry:Select a SuperSpray/Blizzard/Parray/PCloud emitter.

Modify panel

Load/Save Presets rollout
These options let you store preset values that can be used in other, related particle systems. For example, after setting
parameters for a PArray and saving it under a specific name, you can then select another PArray system, and load the preset
values into the new system.
- Preset Name
An editable field in which you can define a name for your settings. Click the Save button to save the preset name.
- Saved Presets
Contains all the saved preset names. A number of presets are included with 3ds Max; to see what they do, create a particle system, load a preset, and play back the animation. Some of the presets, such as
Particle Array's Shimmer Trail, are most effective with moving particle systems.
- Load
Loads the preset currently highlighted in the Saved Presets list. Alternatively, double-click the preset name in the list
to load it.
- Save
Saves the current name in the Preset Name field and places it in the Saved Presets window.
- Delete
Deletes the selected items in the Save Presets window.
NoteAnimated parameter values subsequent to frame 0 are not stored.