Command entry:Select an object.

Modify panel

Modifier List

Object-Space Modifiers


Reference Geometry rollout
On the Reference geometry rollout, you can create named sub-object selection sets, and associate them with high-resolution
- Name
Lets you enter a name for the current set of selected sub-objects.
Click to delete the sub-object selection set whose name is highlighted in the list.
Click to add the named sub-object selection set to the list.
Keyboard shortcut: Enter.
Click to select the sub-objects in the selection set whose name is highlighted in the list.
Delete All
Click to delete all named sub-object selection sets in the list.
- Reference geometry window
This window shows a list of named sub-object selection sets, and the high-resolution source geometry with which they're associated.
If you have picked a high-res object at the object level, it also shows “Object Level” followed by the name of the source
- Proportion Multiplier
When Proportional is chosen for sub-object normal bump mapping in the Projection Mapping group of the Objects To Bake rollout for Render To Texture, this value multiplies the default size of the normal bump map. Range=0.0 to 2.0. Default=1.0.
For example, if Proportional rendering of a sub-object were to render a sub-object selection at 16 x 16 pixels, changing Proportion
Multiplier to 2.0 would change the size of the normal bump map to 32 x 32 pixels.
This control is unavailable unless a sub-object selection is active.
- Pick
To associate high-res geometry with the current selection, click Pick to turn it on, then click a source object in a viewport.
- Pick List
To associate high-res geometry with the current selection, click Pick List, then use the Add Objects dialog, which works like
the Select From Scene dialog, to choose a source object.
Display Toggle group
The Display Toggle group is useful when you want to compare the hi—res to your low-res geometry. You can quickly toggle between
your low-res geometry and your hi-res geometry to compare versions. You can show selected or all hi-res geometry.
- Enable
When on, makes it possible to show or hide reference geometries. Default=off.
- Hide Reference Geometry/Hide Working Geometry
When Enabled is on, click Hide Reference Geometry to hide your hi-res geometry. Conversely, click Hide Working Geometry to
hide your low-res geometry. You can also selectively show and hide high-res geometries in your Pick List. Click Off
to hide a geometry. Click Hide
to show a geometry.