Manager and Server

The topics in this section describe how to set up and use the network Manager and Server systems.

  • Initial Setup for Manager and Server Programs

    The files necessary for network rendering are copied to the Backburner root directory when you install 3ds Max. Two of these files, manager.exe and server.exe, require initialization before they can be run. Set up the Manager program first, then the Server. When you're finished, you can start network rendering. After setup, you can run both Manager and Server as services by installing managersvc.exe and serversvc.exe, respectively.

  • Installing Network Services

    This topic describes how to install the network Manager and network Server as network services under Windows 2000 or XP.

  • Logging Properties Dialog

    The Logging Properties dialog lets you specify the types of messages that appear in the list window on the Manager or Server window and those that are sent to a log file. Each type of log message is explained below.

  • The backburner.xml File

    When you run the Manager, Server, or Queue Monitor application, or access the Network Job Assignment dialog, these programs create or update an initialization file named backburner.xml in the \Network subdirectory of the Backburner directory.

  • Network Rendering Manager

    The application version of the network rendering Manager provides a graphical user interface for control and monitoring purposes. It runs as a foreground process on your desktop, and remains active unless specifically shut down. Its components include a menu bar, list window, and status bar.

  • Network Rendering Server

    The application version of the network rendering Server provides a graphical user interface for control and monitoring purposes. It runs as a foreground process on your desktop, and remains active unless specifically shut down. Its components include a menu bar, list window, and status bar.