Command entry: 
Create panel


Standard Primitives

Object Type rollout

Cylinder button
Command entry:Create menu

Standard Primitives

Cylinder produces a cylinder, which you can "slice" around its major axis.
To create a cylinder:
- On the Create panel, choose Standard Primitives
- In any viewport, drag to define the radius of the base, then release to set the radius.
- Move up or down to define a height, either positive or negative.
- Click to set the height and create the cylinder.
Creation Method rollout
- Edge
Draws a cylinder from edge to edge. You can change the center location by moving the mouse.
- Center
Draws a cylinder from the center out.
Parameters rollout
The defaults produce a smooth cylinder of 18 sides with the pivot point at the center of the base. There are five height segments
and one cap segment. If you don't plan to modify the cylinder's shape, such as with a Bend modifier, set Height Segments to
1 to reduce scene complexity. If you plan to modify the ends of the cylinder, consider increasing the Cap Segments setting.
- Radius
Sets the radius of the cylinder.
- Height
Sets the dimension along the central axis. Negative values create the cylinder below the construction plane.
- Height Segments
Sets the number of divisions along the cylinder's major axis.
- Cap Segments
Sets the number of concentric divisions around the center of the cylinder's top and bottom.
- Sides
Sets the number of sides around the cylinder. With Smooth on, higher numbers shade and render as true circles. With Smooth
off, lower numbers create regular polygonal objects.
- Smooth
The faces of the cylinder are blended together, creating a smooth appearance in rendered views.
- Slice On
Enables the Slice function. Default=off.
When you create a slice and then turn off Slice On, the complete cylinder reappears. You can use this check box to switch
between the two topologies.
- Slice From, Slice To
Sets the number of degrees around the local Z axis from a zero point at the local X axis.
For both settings, positive values move the end of the slice counterclockwise; negative values move it clockwise. Either setting
can be made first. When the ends meet, the whole cylinder reappears.
- Generate Mapping Coords
Generates coordinates for applying mapped materials to the cylinder. Default=on.
- Real-World Map Size
Controls the scaling method used for texture mapped materials that are applied to the object. The scaling values are controlled
by the Use Real-World Scale settings found in the applied material's Coordinates rollout. Default=off.