Shrinkwrap Property Editor


Projects the points of a "wrapper" object onto the surface of a "target" object, either toward the target's center, toward an inner object, or along an axis. Points that do not "hit" the target according to the chosen projection are not moved.

To apply: See Shrinkwrap [Data Exchange].

To redisplay: Select the deformed object then choose Edit Properties Modeling Properties and click the Shrinkwrap tab.


Toggles the deformation on and off without affecting the values of other parameters.


The relative displacement of points:

  • A value of 1 projects the wrapper onto the target's surface.

  • A value of 0 has no effect on the wrapper.

  • Between 0 and 1, the points are between their original positions and the target.

  • Above 1, the points "overshoot" the surface of the target.

  • Below 0, the points move away from the target.


Reverses the direction of the projection. For example, if the wrapper is inside the target, you can activate Reverse and Toward Center to project the wrapper away from the target's center onto the target's inside surface.


Projects the points of the wrapper object both backwards and forwards to see whether they hit the target object. If a point hits the target in both directions, the shortest distance is used.


Specifies how the wrapper's points are projected:

  • Toward Inner Object. This is the object you picked when creating the shrinkwrap deformation. The inner object must have the same number of points and general topology as the wrapper. The easiest way to do this is to duplicate and scale the wrapper.

  • Toward Center. The wrapper's points are projected toward the center of the target. When on, you can also select the Bounding Box Center option.

  • Parallel to Axes. The wrapper's points are projected along an axis of the target object's local space in the positive direction. When on, the Along X, Y, Z options let you specify the axis.

  • Follow Vertex Normals. Each point of the wrapper is projected along the inverse of its normal direction until it hits the target object.

Note that even if user-defined normals are present, they are not used.

  • Closest Vertex. Each point of the wrapper object snaps to the nearest vertex on the target object.

  • Closest Surface. Each point of the wrapper is projected onto the nearest location anywhere on the surface of the target.

  • Closest Surface (Smoothed). A variation of Closest Surface that avoids collapsing multiple points to the same location, especially near sharp edges.

Closest surface if no intersection

Uses the Closest Surface projection method for points that do not hit the target object when using the selected projection. This ensures that all points of the wrapper object are deformed to the target.

Toward Center

Bounding Box Center

This option applies only if Projection is set to Toward Center. When on, the wrapper's points are projected toward the center of the target's bounding box. When off, the wrapper's points are projected toward the center of the target's local coordinate system; you can move the target's center to adjust the projection.

Parallel to Axes


The coordinate system to use for the axis: Target object, Deformed object, or Global.

Along X, Y, Z

Specifies an axis along which to project the wrapper's points: X, Y, or Z. When multiple axis options are on, the projection is along the corresponding unit vector. For example, if both Along X and Along Y are on, the projection is along the vector [1, 1, 0]. This option applies only if Projection is set to Parallel to Axes.

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