Set Particle RBD


This compound lets you set rigid body attributes that are used on particles.

Plug its Execute output into the Execute on Emit port of an Emit compound to set this value once, or plug it into the ICETree node to update at every frame.

For more information in general on rigid bodies, see ICE Rigid Bodies [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Setters

Output Ports: Execute


Activates the IsPassiveRigidBody attribute for particles.

For more information, see Making ICE Rigid Body Particles Passive [ICE Particle Simulations].

Angular Velocity

Sets the AngularVelocity attribute for the particle.

Elasticity and Friction

For general information, see Setting the Elasticity and Friction [ICE Particle Simulations].


Sets the Elasticity attribute for particles.

Static Friction

Sets the StaticFriction attribute for particles.

Dynamic Friction

Sets the DynamicFriction attribute for particles.

Springs and Dampers

For more information, see ICE Springs and Dampers [ICE Particle Simulations].

Connection Mute

Activates the ConnectionMute attribute for particles.

Connection Indices

Sets the ConnectionIndices attribute for particles.

Damper Coeffs

Sets the DamperCoeffs attribute for particles.

Spring Coeffs

Sets the SpringCoeffs attribute for particles.

Spring Lengths

Sets the SpringLengths attribute for particles.

Override Particle Attributes

For more information, see Setting Offsets for the Particle Collision Size and Scale [ICE Particle Simulations].

Override Size

Overrides the particle's Size attribute value with the Size value you set here.


Sets the particle's collision size using the CollisionSize attribute.

Override Scale

Overrides the particle's Scale attribute value with the Scale value you set here.


Sets the particle's collision scale using the CollisionScale attribute.

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