Pose State


Sets the actors' deformers' transformation in a CrowdFX simulation, based on the specified animation cycle and frame, and blended with the previous pose state.

This compound should be applied in the Simulation region of the Point_Cloud object of a CrowdFX simulation, after the particles' positions and velocities have been set.

For more information, see How Action Sources Are Used in the Crowd Simulation.

Tasks: Crowds/States

Output Ports: Execute

Pose State ID

The action to use, where 0 represents the first action imported, 1 is the second, and so on.

Cycle Mode

How to specify the frame:

  • Current Frame in Timeline: Uses the scene's current frame. Use this option for animations that you want to play at regular speed.
  • Current Frame in Cycle: Uses CrowdFX_Actor_CurrentFrameInCycle. Use this option for animations that you want scaled in time based on the actors' speed, such as locomotion.
  • Frame Input: Uses the Frame value specified below.

Note that in all cases, the Initial Frame value set by Initialize Locomotion Data is added. If you need to use a specific absolute frame number, for example, for a death animation that must be played from its beginning, use the Frame option and subtract the actors' initial frame value from the frame you want.

States Interpolation

How to blend the animation with the previous pose state during the transition:

  • Use Animation Cycle From Last State when blending between two locomotion actions, for example, from walking to running.
  • Use Last Frame From Last State when blending between two non-locomotion actions, or from a locomotion action to a non-locomotion action, for example, from running to falling down.

Transition Duration

The length of the transition from the previous pose state, in frames.


The frame to use when Mode is "Frame Input".

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