Crowd Lock Feet Constraint


Use this compound to lock the rotation of actors' feet in an animation cycle when their feet are down. This prevents foot-sliding while turning in a pedestrian CrowdFX simulation.

For more information, see Locking the Feet's Rotation.

Tasks: Crowds/Constraints

Output Ports: Execute


Activates the constraint.

Animation State

Select the animation state in which you want to lock the feet. You can define the animation state using the Define Animation State node. Typically, you should lock the feet on the walk cycle. It is usually not necessary to lock feet on faster cycles because the feet are in contact with the ground for only a very short time.

Lock Start (as Loop Ratio)

Left Foot Start

The first value (in the range of 0 to 1, where 0 is the start state and 1 is the end state of animation) with the left foot on the ground.

Right Foot Start

The first value (in the range 0 to 1) with the right foot on the ground.

Lock Duration - per Animation (as Loop Ratio)

Left Foot Lock Duration

The duration of the animation (in the range 0 to 1) when the left foot is on the ground.

Right Foot Lock Duration

The first value (in the range 0 to 1) with the right foot on the ground.

Blending Duration - per Animation (as Loop Ratio)

Blending Duration

The duration where the foot blends between the constrained and unconstrained foot positions. This prevents the feet from popping as soon as they leave the ground.



A reference to the left/right leg root bone in the actor's Rig_Proxy.


A reference to the left/right knee (shin) bone in the actor's Rig_Proxy. This should be a child of Root.


A reference to the left/right leg effector in the actor's Rig_Proxy. This should be a child of Knee. In addition, the corresponding feet bones and effector should be descendants of this object.

Root Direction

Root Direction

The local vector of the leg root bone that points at the knee.

Knee Direction

The local vector of the knee bone that points at the effector.

TipIf the simulation includes multiple actor sources, you can plug multiple instances of this node into a Select Case node with its Condition port driven by Get Actor ID. This allows you to use different values for different actor types.

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