




Returns an ImageClipCollection containing all ImageClip objects associated with the scene. Image clips and their sources are always stored under the Scene in the Clips ("Scene.Clips.Image") and Sources ("Scene.Sources.Image") containers.

This differs from animation clips and sources for animation which are stored under the track, mixer, and model where they are used, so the Scene.ImageClips property returns all image clips in the scene, whereas the ClipContainer.Clips and Track.Clips properties return only clips for the specific container (mixer or track).

C# Syntax

// get accessor
ImageClipCollection rtn = Scene.ImageClips;


JScript Example

        This example demonstrates how to get the image clips currently associated with the scene.
// Set up three clips (see end of example)
// Now access all image clips in the scene
var cliplist = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.ImageClips;
for ( var i=0; i<cliplist.Count; i++ ) {
        LogMessage( cliplist(i).FullName );
// Expected result:
//INFO : Clips.noIcon_pic
//INFO : Clips.jio_jpg
//INFO : Clips.xsilogo_jpg
// Helper function to create several image clips
function SetTheScene()
        NewScene( null, false );
        // Create an image clip by applying an image to a texture projection
        var cube = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" );
        SelectObj( cube );
        ApplyShader( null, null, null, siUnspecified, siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap );
        CreateProjection( cube, siTxtSpherical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "", "Texture_Projection", 
                null, siRelDefault, "" );
        BlendInTextureLayers( "Image", cube, 1, false, siReplaceAndBlendInPreset, true, true, false, false);
        // Create a source and then a clip
        var img = AddImageSource( "$SI_HOME\\Data\\XSI_SAMPLES\\Pictures\\jio.jpg" );
        AddImageClip( img );
        // Create a clip and use it in the fx tree
        sPath = InstallationPath( siFactoryPath );
        var clip = CreateImageClip( sPath + "\\Data\\XSI_SAMPLES\\Pictures\\xsilogo.jpg" );
        var tree = CreateFxTree();
        AddImageClipFxOp( tree, clip );

See Also

ImageClip Image Shader.ImageClips Material.ImageClips AddImageSource AddImageClip CreateImageClip CreateImageClip2 AddImageTextureLayer AddImageClipFxOp DeleteUnusedImageClips DeleteUnusedImageSources SetImageSource SIAddImageClip SIAddImageSource SICreateImageClip SICreateImageClip2