

Object Hierarchy






The collection of Device Drivers gives access to the different device drivers in Softimage. This is the scripting equivalent of the Device Manager, in which you can activate or deactivate a device, add or remove devices, etc.


AddCustomOp AddDevice AddICEAttribute AddScriptedOp
AddScriptedOpFromFile AnimatedParameters2 BelongsTo operator EvaluateAt
GetICEAttributeFromName IsA IsAnimated2 IsClassOf operator
IsEqualTo operator IsKindOf IsLocked operator IsSelected operator
LockOwners RemoveDevice RemoveICEAttribute SetAsSelected operator
SetCapabilityFlag operator SetLock TaggedParameters UnSetLock


Application BranchFlag operator Capabilities operator Categories
Count Enable EvaluationID Families operator
FullName operator Help HierarchicalEvaluationID ICEAttributes
Item LockLevel operator LockMasters operator LockType operator
Model Name operator NestedObjects ObjectID
Origin OriginPath Owners PPGLayout operator
Parameters operator Parent Parent3DObject Selected operator
Type operator      


VBScript Example

' This example demonstrates how to work with devices through scripting.
NewScene , false
' First make sure the device manager is active (we can't add devices if it isn't)
if Not(Application.Devices.Enable) then
        Application.Devices.Enable = true
end if
' Get the DeviceManager (DeviceCollection)
set oDevices = Application.Devices
' Get a pointer to the PC1600 Device, if it exists
set oDevice = oDevices.Item("PC1600")
' If it doesn't exist, then create it
if TypeName(oDevice) = "Nothing" then
        set oDevice = oDevices.AddDevice( "PC1600" )
end if
LogMessage "The device name is " & oDevice
'INFO : The device name is DeviceManager.PC1600

See Also

XSIApplication.Devices Device Channel