GridData Class Reference
GridData Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Softimage 2014, Property Callbacks, Interacting with the User.

#include <xsi_griddata.h>

Class Description

This object represents a 2-dimensional array of data. The word Grid refers to the visual presentation of 2-Dimensional data on a grid control (sometimes called a table or spreadsheet control). The word Cell refers to a single element of the array.

The dimensions of the array can be dynamically resized and many types of data can be stored as Cell data. The Columns and Rows can be labeled and it is possible to refer to the data by these label strings rather than by indices.

Each cell in the GridData is a CValue object, so strings, integers, doubles and many other types of data can be stored in the GridData. However not all data types may be properly displayed in the associated User Interface. Also, although it is possible to store object references (as CRef objects) inside a GridData, these cannot be persisted so it is better to store the SIObject::GetFullName as the cell value.

There are three main uses for the GridData object:

Data for a ::siGridControl on a custom object (see CustomProperty::AddGridParameter)
In this case the user can view and edit the data and the data is saved inside the scene along with the CustomProperty. This can be an effective way to store lists, vectors or even arrays of vectors related to a plug-in. Some aspects of the visual representation of the GridData object are set directly on the GridData object (for example GridData::PutColumnType) but most attributes are set inside the PPGLayout using PPGItem::PutAttribute. ::siPPGItemAttributes that apply to the ::siGridControl include ::siUIGridColumnWidths and ::siUIGridHideRowHeader.
Store hidden data that is intended for internal use by a plug-in
In this case it is still part of a CustomProperty but it is not exposed to the user, which is easily done by not including the GridData Parameter in the PPGLayout.
Temporary convenience object for dealing with 2-dimensional arrays
This is most useful for scripting languages like JScript which do not support 2-dimensional arrays, but also may be interesting in some cases for C++ developers. For example, because it employs range checking, it is more robust and safe to use when compared with raw pointer-based C++ arrays.
See also:
PPGLayout, CustomProperty, PPG
Demonstrates how to use a GridData object to display data on a custom object.
                using namespace XSI;
                Application app ;
                Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot(); ;

                CustomProperty prop ;
                root.AddProperty( L"CustomProperty", false, L"GridDataDemo", prop) ;

                // Put two grids on this Custom Property
                Parameter grid1param = prop.AddGridParameter( L"grid1" ) ;
                Parameter grid2param = prop.AddGridParameter( L"grid2" ) ;

                // Unlike basic parameters that have strings, ints or
                // floats as their values, for a Grid parameter the
                // value is an entire GridData object
                GridData grid1 = grid1param.GetValue() ;
                GridData grid2 = grid2param.GetValue() ;

                // The first grid is a typical array of vectors
                grid1.PutColumnCount( 3 ) ;
                grid1.PutRowCount( 4 ) ;

                grid1.PutColumnLabel( 0, L"X" ) ;
                grid1.PutColumnLabel( 1, L"Y" ) ;
                grid1.PutColumnLabel( 2, L"Z" ) ;

                // Fill in some data
                CValueArray gridcontents( grid1.GetRowCount() *
                                                                  grid1.GetColumnCount() ) ;
                gridcontents[0] = 0.0; gridcontents[1]  = 0.5; gridcontents[2]  = 0.2;
                gridcontents[3] = 0.1; gridcontents[4]  = 1.0; gridcontents[5]  = 0.0;
                gridcontents[6] = 1.0; gridcontents[7]  = 1.0; gridcontents[8]  = 9.0;
                gridcontents[9] = 0.3; gridcontents[10] = 0.4; gridcontents[11] = 0.5;
                grid1.PutData(gridcontents) ;

                // Change our mind about the value of the cell at Column 0,
                // row 3
                grid1.PutCell( 0, 3, 99.9 ) ;

                // Setup the second GridData
                // It only has 1 column so it is more like a list than
                // a 2-Dimensional array

                grid2.PutColumnCount( 1 ) ;
                grid2.PutRowCount( 12 ) ;
                grid2.PutColumnLabel( 0, L"Column 0" ) ;
                grid2.PutColumnType( 0, siColumnCombo ) ;

                CValueArray enumInfo( 4 ) ;
                enumInfo[0] = L"Option value 0" ;
                enumInfo[1] = 0l ;
                enumInfo[2] = L"Option value 10" ;
                enumInfo[3] = 10l ;
                grid2.PutColumnComboItems( 0, enumInfo ) ;

                LONG i;
                for ( i = 0 ; i < grid2.GetRowCount() ; i++ )
                        grid2.PutRowLabel( i, L"Row " + CValue( i ).GetAsText() ) ;

                // Populate it with some data

                CValueArray items( grid2.GetRowCount() ) ;

                // First two items will use the first item in the combo box
                items[0] = 0l ;
                items[1] = 0l ;

                // rest of the items will select the second option
                for ( i = 2 ; i < items.GetCount() ; i++ )
                        items[i] = 10l ;

                grid2.PutColumnValues( L"Column 0", items ) ;

                // Set up some Layout to fine-tune the
                // appearance of the grids

                PPGLayout layout = prop.GetPPGLayout() ;

                PPGItem item = layout.AddItem( L"grid1", NULL, siControlGrid ) ;
                item.PutAttribute( siUIValueOnly, true ) ;

                // We didn't label the rows, so we can hide that column
                item.PutAttribute( siUIGridHideRowHeader, true ) ;

                item = layout.AddItem( L"grid2", NULL, siControlGrid ) ;

                // Specify the width for the row label column and
                // then the data column
                item.PutAttribute( siUIGridColumnWidths, L"100:140" ) ;
                item.PutAttribute( siUIValueOnly, true ) ;

                // Specify a specific height.  This forces the use of
                // a scroll bar
                item.PutAttribute( siUICY, 200l ) ;

                // Make sure that the Column header doesn't get scrolled out
                // of view
                item.PutAttribute( siUIGridLockColumnHeader, true ) ;
Inheritance diagram for GridData:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  GridData ()
  ~GridData ()
  GridData (const CRef &in_ref)
  GridData (const GridData &in_obj)
bool  IsA (siClassID in_ClassID) const
siClassID  GetClassID () const
GridData operator= (const GridData &in_obj)
GridData operator= (const CRef &in_ref)
CValueArray  GetData () const
CStatus  PutData (const CValueArray &in_items)
CStatus  PutColumnCount (LONG in_val)
LONG  GetColumnCount () const
CStatus  PutRowCount (LONG in_val)
LONG  GetRowCount () const
CStatus  PutCell (LONG in_Column, LONG in_Row, const CValue &in_CellValue)
CStatus  PutCell (const CString &in_ColumnLabel, const CString &in_RowLabel, const CValue &in_CellValue)
CValue  GetCell (LONG in_Column, LONG in_Row) const
CValue  GetCell (const CString &in_ColumnLabel, const CString &in_RowLabel) const
CStatus  PutColumnValues (LONG in_Column, const CValueArray &in_ColumnItems)
CStatus  PutColumnValues (const CString &in_ColumnLabel, const CValueArray &in_ColumnItems)
CValueArray  GetColumnValues (LONG in_Column) const
CValueArray  GetColumnValues (const CString &in_ColumnLabel) const
CStatus  PutRowValues (LONG in_Row, const CValueArray &in_RowItems)
CStatus  PutRowValues (const CString &in_RowLabel, const CValueArray &in_RowItems)
CValueArray  GetRowValues (LONG in_Row) const
CValueArray  GetRowValues (const CString &in_RowLabel) const
CStatus  PutRowLabel (LONG in_RowIndex, const CString &in_RowLabel)
CString  GetRowLabel (LONG in_RowIndex) const
CStatus  PutColumnLabel (LONG in_ColumnIndex, const CString &in_ColumnLabel)
CString  GetColumnLabel (LONG in_ColumnIndex) const
CStatus  BeginEdit ()
CStatus  EndEdit ()
CStatus  PutColumnType (LONG in_ColumnIndex, siGridWidgetColumnType in_Type)
siGridWidgetColumnType  GetColumnType (LONG in_ColumnIndex) const
CStatus  PutColumnComboItems (LONG in_ColumnIndex, const CValueArray &in_Items)
CValueArray  GetColumnComboItems (LONG in_ColumnIndex)
GridWidget  GetGridWidget ()
CStatus  SetRowBackgroundColor (LONG in_Row, const CColor &in_Color)
CColor  GetRowBackgroundColor (LONG in_Row)
CStatus  SetIntColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, LONG in_lMin=INT_MIN, LONG in_lMax=INT_MAX, LONG in_lInc=1)
CStatus  GetIntColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, LONG &out_lMin, LONG &out_lMax, LONG &out_lInc) const
CStatus  SetFloatColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, double in_dMin=DBL_MIN, double in_dMax=DBL_MAX, double in_dInc=1.0, short in_sDecimal=2)
CStatus  GetFloatColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, double &out_dMin, double &out_dMax, double &out_dInc, short &out_sDecimal) const
CStatus  SetVectorColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, short in_sVectorSize, double in_dMin=DBL_MIN, double in_dMax=DBL_MAX, double in_dInc=1.0, short in_sDecimal=2)
CStatus  GetVectorColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, short &out_sVectorSize, double &out_dMin, double &out_dMax, double &out_dInc, short &out_sDecimal) const
CStatus  SetFileColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, const CString &in_csBrowseType="File", const CString &in_csStartupPath="/", const CString &in_csFilter=".*")
CStatus  GetFileColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, CString &out_csBrowseType, CString &out_csStartupPath, CString &out_csFilter) const
CStatus  SetShaderBallColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, LONG in_lThumbnailSize=28)
CStatus  GetShaderBallColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, LONG &out_lThumbnailSize) const
CStatus  SetImageClipColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, LONG in_lThumbnailSize=28)
CStatus  GetImageClipColumnDef (LONG in_lColumnIndex, LONG &out_lThumbnailSize) const
CStatus  InsertRow (LONG in_lRowIndex)
CStatus  RemoveRow (LONG in_lRowIndex)
CStatus  InsertColumn (LONG in_lColumnIndex)
CStatus  RemoveColumn (LONG in_lColumnIndex)
CStatus  SetCellBackgroundColor (LONG in_lCol, LONG in_lRow, const CColor &in_Color)
CColor  GetCellBackgroundColor (LONG in_lCol, LONG in_lRow) const
CStatus  SetColumnsVisibility (const CLongArray &in_alCols, bool in_bVisible)
CStatus  SetRowsVisibility (const CLongArray &in_alRows, bool in_bVisible)
CStatus  SetCellReadOnlyFlags (const CLongArray &in_alCells, bool in_bROFlag)
CStatus  GetCellReadOnlyFlags (const CLongArray &in_alCells, CBitArray &out_aROFlags) const
CStatus  PutMultiSelectionMode (XSI::siGridDataMultiSelectionMode in_eSelectionMode)
XSI::siGridDataMultiSelectionMode  GetMultiSelectionMode () const
CStatus  PutReadOnly (bool in_bROFlag)
bool  GetReadOnly () const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GridData ( )

Default constructor.

~GridData ( )

Default destructor.

GridData ( const CRef in_ref )


in_ref constant reference object.
GridData ( const GridData in_obj )

Copy constructor.

in_obj constant class object.

Member Function Documentation

bool IsA ( siClassID  in_ClassID ) const [virtual]

Returns true if a given class type is compatible with this API class.

in_ClassID class type.
true if the class is compatible, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from CBase.

siClassID GetClassID ( ) const [virtual]

Returns the type of the API class.

The class type.

Implements CBase.

GridData& operator= ( const GridData in_obj )

Creates an object from another object.

in_obj constant class object.
The new GridData object.
GridData& operator= ( const CRef in_ref )

Creates an object from a reference object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input reference object is not compatible.

in_ref constant class object.
The new GridData object.
CValueArray GetData ( ) const

Returns the entire 2-dimensional array of cell data. The data is represented as a CValueArray, with the data organized row by row.

An array containing all the contents of the array.
CStatus PutData ( const CValueArray in_items )

Sets the content of the entire GridData object with a single call. The array must contain Row * Column items, and the data is interpreted to be ordered row by row rather than column by column.

This call fails if GridData::PutRowCount and GridData::PutColumnCount have not previously been called.
in_items Data to set.
Success or failure of operation.
CStatus PutColumnCount ( LONG  in_val )

Sets the number of columns contained in the GridData object. It is possible to change the number of columns even after data has been assigned to the GridData object. The value must be greater than zero.

in_val Number of columns for this GridData.
Success or failure of operation.
LONG GetColumnCount ( ) const

Returns the number of columns contained in the GridData object.

Column count
CStatus PutRowCount ( LONG  in_val )

Sets the number of rows contained in the GridData object. It is possible to change the number of rows even after data has been assigned to the GridData object. The value must be greater than zero.

in_val Number of rows for this GridData.
Success or failure of operation.
LONG GetRowCount ( ) const

Returns the number of rows contained in the GridData object.

Row count
CStatus PutCell ( LONG  in_Column,
LONG  in_Row,
const CValue in_CellValue 

Changes the value of a single element inside the GridData object. The coordinates must be within the valid range of the GridData's dimensions.

in_Column Column index (zero-based)
in_Row Row index (zero-based)
in_CellValue Value to set in the specified cell
Success or failure of operation.
CStatus PutCell ( const CString in_ColumnLabel,
const CString in_RowLabel,
const CValue in_CellValue 

Changes the value of a single element inside the GridData object. In this variation of GridData::PutCell the cell is specified by the row and column labels rather than by index. This is a slightly slower approach but it makes the code easier to read. See GridData::PutColumnLabel and GridData::PutRowLabel.

in_ColumnLabel Column label
in_RowLabel Row label
in_CellValue Value for the cell
Success or failure of operation.
CValue GetCell ( LONG  in_Column,
LONG  in_Row 
) const

Returns the value stored on a specific cell of the GridData object.

in_Column Column index (zero-based)
in_Row Row index (zero-based)
The contents of the cell.
CValue::m_t==CValuesiEmpty if the cell is empty.
CValue GetCell ( const CString in_ColumnLabel,
const CString in_RowLabel 
) const

Returns the value stored on the GridData.

In this variation of GridData::GetCell the cell is specified by the row and column labels rather than by index. This is a slightly slower approach but it makes the code easier to read. See GridData::PutColumnLabel and GridData::PutRowLabel.

in_ColumnLabel Column label
in_RowLabel Row label
The contents of the cell.
CValue::m_t==CValuesiEmpty if the cell is empty.
CStatus PutColumnValues ( LONG  in_Column,
const CValueArray in_ColumnItems 

Sets values on a single column of a GridData object.

in_Column Column index (zero-based)
in_ColumnItems 1-dimensional array of values to set. The size should be equal to GridData::GetRowCount.
Success or failure of operation.
CStatus PutColumnValues ( const CString in_ColumnLabel,
const CValueArray in_ColumnItems 

Sets values for a single column of a GridData object.

in_ColumnLabel Column label (see GridData::PutColumnLabel)
in_ColumnItems 1-dimensional array of values to set. The size should be equal to GridData::GetRowCount.
Success or failure of operation.
CValueArray GetColumnValues ( LONG  in_Column ) const

Returns a 1-dimensional array containing all the elements in the requested column.

in_Column Column index (zero-based)
A 1-dimensional array of values from the specified column. The size is equal to GridData::GetRowCount.
CValueArray GetColumnValues ( const CString in_ColumnLabel ) const

Returns a 1-dimensional array containing all the elements in the requested column.

in_ColumnLabel Column label (see GridData::PutColumnLabel)
A 1-dimensional array of values from the specified column. The size is equal to GridData::GetRowCount.
CStatus PutRowValues ( LONG  in_Row,
const CValueArray in_RowItems 

Sets values for a single row of a GridData object.

in_Row Row index (zero-based)
in_RowItems 1-dimensional array of values to set. The size should be equal to GridData::GetColumnCount.
Success or failure of operation.
CStatus PutRowValues ( const CString in_RowLabel,
const CValueArray in_RowItems 

Sets values for a single row of a GridData object.

in_RowLabel row label (see GridData::PutRowLabel)
in_RowItems 1-dimensional array of values to set. The size should be equal to GridData::GetColumnCount.
Success or failure of operation.
CValueArray GetRowValues ( LONG  in_Row ) const

Returns a 1-dimensional array containing all the elements in the requested row.

in_Row Row index (zero-based)
A 1-dimensional array of values from the specified row. The size is equal to GridData::GetColumnCount.
CValueArray GetRowValues ( const CString in_RowLabel ) const

Returns a 1-dimensional array containing all the elements in the requested row.

in_RowLabel Row label (see GridData::PutRowLabel)
A 1-dimensional array of values from the specified row. The size is equal to GridData::GetColumnCount.
CStatus PutRowLabel ( LONG  in_RowIndex,
const CString in_RowLabel 

Sets the label for a Row. Labels are optional. The visual appearance of row labels can be tweaked with the ::siUIGridHideRowHeader and ::siUIGridLockRowHeader attributes (see the ::siPPGItemAttribute enum). Once labels are specified it is possible to access data via the labels rather than the cell index via functions like GridData::PutCell and GridData::GetRowValues.

in_RowIndex Index of the row to label.
in_RowLabel Row label to use.
Success or failure of operation.
CString GetRowLabel ( LONG  in_RowIndex ) const

Returns the label string of a row.

in_RowIndex Index of the row with the label to get.
The row label.
Empty string if no label has been specified.
CStatus PutColumnLabel ( LONG  in_ColumnIndex,
const CString in_ColumnLabel 

Sets the label for a Column. Labels are optional. The visual appearance of column labels can be tweaked with the ::siUIGridHideColumnHeader and ::siUIGridLockColumnHeader attributes (see the ::siPPGItemAttribute enum). Once labels are specified it is possible to access data via the labels rather than the cell index via functions like GridData::PutCell and GridData::GetColumnValues.

in_ColumnIndex Index of the column to label.
in_ColumnLabel Column label to use.
Success or failure of operation.
CString GetColumnLabel ( LONG  in_ColumnIndex ) const

Returns the label string of a column.

in_ColumnIndex Index of the column with the label to get.
The column label.
Empty string if no label has been specified.
CStatus BeginEdit ( )

Call this function to signal that a large portion of the GridData contents has changed. This prevents all updates of the user interface associated with the GridData. If GridData is not associated with a GridControl or if the Property Page with the GridControl is not being inspected then this call has no effect. Hence the most likely place to use this function is inside logic code (see PPGLayout::PutLogic and PPGLayout::GetLogic).

Success or failure of operation.
CStatus EndEdit ( )

Call this function to signal the end of major updates to the GridData. At this point all views on the data are rebuilt. For example the user interface may redraw itself. Each call to GridData::EndEdit should match a previous call to GridData::BeginEdit.

Success or failure of operation.
CStatus PutColumnType ( LONG  in_ColumnIndex,
siGridWidgetColumnType  in_Type 

Specifies a type of control to use for a particular column. This function is optional because the default column type, siColumnStandard, is suitable for strings, numbers and most other data.

in_ColumnIndex Index of the column to modify.
in_Type Type of control (plain data, check box, combo box). See siGridWidgetColumnType for a complete list of possible control types.
Success or failure of operation.
siGridWidgetColumnType GetColumnType ( LONG  in_ColumnIndex ) const

Returns the type of a column (for example siColumnCombo or siColumnBool).

in_ColumnIndex Index of the column to retrieve.
Type of column control (plain data, check box, combo box). See siGridWidgetColumnType for a complete list of possible control types.
CStatus PutColumnComboItems ( LONG  in_ColumnIndex,
const CValueArray in_Items 

Sets the combo items associated with a column of type siColumnCombo. The items are specified in a 1-dimensional CValueArray, with a label string and associated integer value for each combo item. For example the array ("A", 0, "B", 12) specifies two items for the combo box, one with label "A" and value 0 and the other with label "B" and value 12.

in_ColumnIndex Column index (zero based)
in_Items CValueArray containing the label/value pairs
Success or failure of operation.
CValueArray GetColumnComboItems ( LONG  in_ColumnIndex )

Returns the definition of a GridData column having the type siColumnCombo.

in_ColumnIndex Column index (zero based)
CValueArray of items in the combo-box.
Empty array if no combo items have been set (see GridData::PutColumnComboItems).
GridWidget GetGridWidget ( )

Returns a pointer to the user interface control as a GridWidget object. The GridWidget object displays the GridData information on a Property Page (PPG object) which allows you to access information about selected cells.

This only returns a valid object when the GridData is actually being inspected.
GridWidget instance representing the GridData's property page currently being inspected.
CStatus SetRowBackgroundColor ( LONG  in_Row,
const CColor in_Color 

Sets the background color on the specified row.

Success or failure of operation.
in_Row Index of the row to color.
in_Color Color to appear in the specified row (as a CColor).
Success or failure of operation.
CColor GetRowBackgroundColor ( LONG  in_Row )

Returns the background color of the specified row.

in_Row Index of the row to access.
CColor representing the color that appears in the specified row.
CStatus SetIntColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
LONG  in_lMin = INT_MIN,
LONG  in_lMax = INT_MAX,
LONG  in_lInc = 1 

Changes a given column's type to siColumnInt.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
in_lMin Minimum valid value.
in_lMax Maximum valid value.
in_lInc Increment that is used while scrubbing.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus GetIntColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
LONG &  out_lMin,
LONG &  out_lMax,
LONG &  out_lInc 
) const

Retrieves the siColumnInt definition for the given column.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
out_lMin Minimum valid value.
out_lMax Maximum valid value.
out_lInc Increment that is used while scrubbing.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetFloatColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
double  in_dMin = DBL_MIN,
double  in_dMax = DBL_MAX,
double  in_dInc = 1.0,
short  in_sDecimal = 2 

Changes a given column's type to siColumnFloat.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
in_dMin Minimum valid value.
in_dMax Maximum valid value.
in_dInc Increment that is used while scrubbing.
in_sDecimal Number of decimals to be displayed.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus GetFloatColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
double &  out_dMin,
double &  out_dMax,
double &  out_dInc,
short &  out_sDecimal 
) const

Retrieves the siColumnFloat definition for the given column.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
out_dMin Minimum valid value.
out_dMax Maximum valid value.
out_dInc Increment that is used while scrubbing.
out_sDecimal Number of decimals to be displayed.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetVectorColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
short  in_sVectorSize,
double  in_dMin = DBL_MIN,
double  in_dMax = DBL_MAX,
double  in_dInc = 1.0,
short  in_sDecimal = 2 

Changes a given column's type to siColumnVector.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
in_sVectorSize Number of components in the vector (2, 3 or 4).
in_dMin Minimum valid value.
in_dMax Maximum valid value.
in_dInc Increment that is used while scrubbing.
in_sDecimal Number of decimals to be displayed.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus GetVectorColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
short &  out_sVectorSize,
double &  out_dMin,
double &  out_dMax,
double &  out_dInc,
short &  out_sDecimal 
) const

Retrieves the siColumnVector definition for the given column.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
out_sVectorSize Number of components in the vector (2, 3 or 4).
out_dMin Minimum valid value.
out_dMax Maximum valid value.
out_dInc Increment that is used while scrubbing.
out_sDecimal Number of decimals to be displayed.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetFileColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
const CString in_csBrowseType = "File",
const CString in_csStartupPath = "/",
const CString in_csFilter = ".*" 

Changes a given column's type to siColumnFile.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
in_csBrowseType "File" or "Folder" - determines the browser type to use when double-clicking.
in_csStartupPath Startup directory for file or folder selection.
in_csFilter File selection filter mechanism, e.g. ".txt;.cpp;.h"
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus GetFileColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
CString out_csBrowseType,
CString out_csStartupPath,
CString out_csFilter 
) const

Retrieves the siColumnFile definition for the given column.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
out_csBrowseType "File" or "Folder" - determines the browser type to use when double-clicking.
out_csStartupPath Startup directory for file or folder selection.
out_csFilter File selection filter mechanism.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetShaderBallColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
LONG  in_lThumbnailSize = 28 

Changes a given column's type to siColumnShaderBall.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
in_lThumbnailSize The thumbnail size to be used while drawing (from 28 to 128 pixels).
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus GetShaderBallColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
LONG &  out_lThumbnailSize 
) const

Retrieves the siColumnShaderBall definition for the given column.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
out_lThumbnailSize The thumbnail size.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetImageClipColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
LONG  in_lThumbnailSize = 28 

Changes a given column's type to siColumnImageClip.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
in_lThumbnailSize The thumbnail size to be used while drawing (from 28 to 128 pixels).
12.0 (2014)
CStatus GetImageClipColumnDef ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex,
LONG &  out_lThumbnailSize 
) const

Retrieves the siColumnImageClip definition for the given column.

in_lColumnIndex The column of interest.
out_lThumbnailSize The thumbnail size.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus InsertRow ( LONG  in_lRowIndex )

Inserts a new row.

in_lRowIndex New row index. Passing -1 will insert a new row at the end of the table.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus RemoveRow ( LONG  in_lRowIndex )

Removes a row.

in_lRowIndex Row to remove.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus InsertColumn ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex )

Inserts a new column.

in_lColumnIndex New column index. Passing -1 will insert a new row at the end of the table.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus RemoveColumn ( LONG  in_lColumnIndex )

Removes a column.

in_lColumnIndex Column to remove.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetCellBackgroundColor ( LONG  in_lCol,
LONG  in_lRow,
const CColor in_Color 

Changes the background color of the cell.

in_lCol Column of interest.
in_lRow Row of interest.
in_Color Background color to use.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CColor GetCellBackgroundColor ( LONG  in_lCol,
LONG  in_lRow 
) const

Retrieves the background color of the cell.

in_lCol Column of interest.
in_lRow Row of interest.
Background color of the cell.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetColumnsVisibility ( const CLongArray in_alCols,
bool  in_bVisible 

Changes the given columns visibility.

in_alCols Array of column indices to change.
in_bVisible New visibility value.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetRowsVisibility ( const CLongArray in_alRows,
bool  in_bVisible 

Changes the given rows visibility.

in_alRows Array of row indices to change.
in_bVisible New visibility value.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetCellReadOnlyFlags ( const CLongArray in_alCells,
bool  in_bROFlag 

Set the read-only flags for the given cells.

in_alCells Array of cells. Column/row pairs representing the cells.
in_bROFlag New read-only flag for the passed cell indices.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus GetCellReadOnlyFlags ( const CLongArray in_alCells,
CBitArray out_aROFlags 
) const

Retrieves the read-only flags for the given cells.

in_alCells Array of cells. Column/row pairs representing the cells.
in_bROFlag Array of booleans, representing the current read-only flags for the given cells.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus PutMultiSelectionMode ( XSI::siGridDataMultiSelectionMode  in_eSelectionMode )

Assigns the GridData multi selection mode.

in_eSelectionMode The multi selection mode to use.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
XSI::siGridDataMultiSelectionMode GetMultiSelectionMode ( ) const

Retrieves the GridData multi selection mode.

The current multi selection mode.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus PutReadOnly ( bool  in_bROFlag )

Sets the read-only mode for the whole grid data.

in_bROFlag The read-only flag to use.
Success or failure of operation.
12.0 (2014)
bool GetReadOnly ( ) const

Retrieves the current read-only mode for the whole grid data.

The current read-only flag.
12.0 (2014)

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