
NurbsCurve.EvaluatePosition operator


指定された U 値における、位置、U 方向のタンジェント、法線、および従法線を含む 3D ベクトルを戻します。


Object NurbsCurve.EvaluatePosition( Double in_dUValue );


oArray = NurbsCurve.EvaluatePosition( UValue );




パラメータ タイプ 説明
UValue Double カーブを評価する場所の U 値

1. VBScript の例

set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root

set oArc = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Arc", "NurbsCurve" )

aValues = oArc.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Curves(0).EvaluatePosition( 3.0 )

set oPosition = aValues(0)

logmessage "The position at 3.0 is x :" &  oPosition.x	& " y: " _

	& oPosition.y & " z: " & oPosition.z

set oUTangent = aValues(1)

logmessage "The tangent in U at 3.0 is x :" & oUTangent.x & " y: " _

	& oUTangent.y & " z: " & oUTangent.z

set oNormal = aValues(2)

logmessage "The normal at 3.0 is x :" & oNormal.x & " y: " & oNormal.y _

	& " z: " & oNormal.z

set oBiNormal = aValues(3)

logmessage "The bi-normal at 3.0 is x :" & oBiNormal.x & " y: " _

	& oBiNormal.y & " z: " & oBiNormal.z

' Expected result:

'INFO : The position at 3.0 is x :1.16113870901785 y: 3.82776134292884 z: 0

'INFO : The tangent in U at 3.0 is x :0.956940009306386 y: -0.290285753334009 z: 0

'INFO : The normal at 3.0 is x :-0.290285753334009 y: -0.956940009306387 z: 0

'INFO : The bi-normal at 3.0 is x :0 y: 0 z: -1

2. JScript の例


	See also the JScript example for NurbsCurveList.GetClosestCurvePosition2 which demonstrates

	how to use NurbsCurveList.GetClosestCurvePosition2 and NurbsCurve.EvaluatePosition as an

	(object model) alternative to the EvaluateCurveAt command.



NurbsCurveList.GetClosestCurvePosition2 EvaluateCurveAt