

Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:FCurve








FCurve(ファンクションカーブ)オブジェクトは、Softimage のFCurve 属性の取得と設定、およびFCurveキーの作成、取得、修正、削除を実行する関数のセットへのアクセスを提供します。

F カーブは、Parameter.AddFCurve2 メソッドおよび Parameter.AddFCurve メソッドによりパラメータを作成し、接続することができます。Parameter 上の既存の FCurve にアクセスする場合は、Parameter.Source メソッドを使用します。F カーブは、siDouble、siFloat、siInt4、siInt2、siByte、siUInt4、siUInt2、および SiUByte(これらのパラメータの定義については siVariantType を参照)でサポートされています。

FCurveKey を定義すると、キーの値は、キーの値の型の条件と一致するように調整されます。ブール型、整数型の FCurve では、この値は切り捨て処理されます。たとえば、値 3.5 を整数の FCurve に指定すると、3 になります。ブールFCurve では、0 以外の値は trueとして解釈されます。

SIObject.Parent は、FCurve の親を戻します。パラメータに接続する F カーブでは、Parameter オブジェクトが親と見なされます。ActionSource オブジェクトに含まれる F カーブでは、AnimationSourceItem オブジェクトが親となります。

注 : 詳細については、Softimage ユーザ ガイドの「F カーブの補間および外挿」を参照してください。


AddKey BeginEdit EndEdit Eval
ExtendCycle Fit GetKey GetKeyAtIndex
GetKeyFrame GetKeyIndex GetKeyValue GetKeysBetween
GetMaxKeyFrame GetMaxKeyValue GetMidKeyFrame GetMidKeyValue
GetMinKeyFrame GetMinKeyValue GetNumKeys InsertKeyAtFrame
IsClassOfオペレータ IsEditing IsEqualToオペレータ KeyExists
MakeRotationsContinuous Offset OffsetKeys RemoveKey
RemoveKeyAtIndex RemoveKeys RemoveKeysAtIndex Resample
Scale ScaleKeys Set SetKey
SetKeyTangents SetKeys Smooth SnapToNearestFrame


Application Categories DependsOnFrameRate Extrapolation
FullNameオペレータ Help HighClamp Interpolation
Keys Locked LowClamp Mute
Nameオペレータ NestedObjects NoKeyValue Origin
OriginPath Parent SI3DStyle Selected
SelectedKeys Type Typeオペレータ  

1. JScript の例


	This example demonstrates how to get the parent of an fcurve.


// Set up the scene with a custom pset on a null

NewScene( null, false );

var n = ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull();

var pset = n.AddCustomProperty( "CustomPSet" );

var x = pset.AddParameter3( "X", siDouble, 0, 0, 100 );

LogMessage( "x value = " + x.value, siInfo )

LogMessage( "x min/max = " + x.min + ", " + x.max, siInfo )

// Set an fcurve on the custom parameter

var fc = x.AddFCurve2( null, null );

var param = fc.Parent;

LogMessage( "parent of fcurve = " + param.FullName, siInfo );

LogMessage( "param isequal to x = " + param.IsEqualTo(x), siInfo );

// Outputs:

//INFO : "x value = 0"

//INFO : "x min/max = 0, 100"

//INFO : "parent of fcurve = null.CustomPSet.X"

//INFO : "param isequal to x = true"

2. VBScript の例

' ==========================================================================

'   This part of the script just sets up the sphere, curve, and the path

'   constraint between them.

' --------------------------------------------------------------------------

' Set up scene context

Set oRoot = ActiveSceneRoot

' Create sphere that will be animated with path constraint

Set oSphere = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )

' Create curve for path constraint

Set oCrv = SICreateCurve( "crvlist", 3, 0 )

SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd oCrv, _

	-7.87711815167134, -1.9399113143663, 0.193991131436629, False

SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd oCrv, _

	8.74360114835504, -5.93730432578764, 0.593730432578766, False

SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd oCrv, _

	7.60141901636287, 5.15350177452872, -0.515350177452866, False

SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd oCrv, _

	-6.30169452133709, 5.03593139183983, -0.50359313918398, False

SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd oCrv, _

	2.71760576232661, -6.21163521872843, 0.621163521872845, False

' Apply path constraint to sphere 

SelectObj oSphere, , True

ApplyPath oSphere, oCrv, 10.0, 95.5, 2, False, False

' ==========================================================================

'   This part of the script finds the existing fcurve & gets the time in 

'   frames of the first and last key.

' --------------------------------------------------------------------------

' Get all the meshes under the root

Set oMeshes = oRoot.FindChildren(,,siMeshFamily)

LogMessage "Number of meshes found: " & oMeshes.Count

' Iterate over the meshes to find the one with the fcurve

For Each s In oMeshes

	' Get the path constraint on the object

	Set oCns = s.Kinematics.Constraints("PathCns")

	' Just to make sure script doesn't crash if not found

	If oCns <> "Nothing" Then

		' Getting path percentage to check that it's ok

		LogMessage "Path percentage = " & oCns.perc.Value

		' Get fcurve attached to path percentage

		Set oFCurve = oCns.perc.Source

		' Getting first & last curves on source

		If oFCurve.Keys.Count > 0 Then

			dFCKeyA = oFCurve.Keys(0).Time

			dFCKeyZ = oFCurve.Keys(oFCurve.Keys.Count - 1).Time

			' Print values

			LogMessage "First key in time is at frame " & dFCKeyA

			LogMessage "Last key in time is at frame " & dFCKeyZ

		End If

	End If


' Output of above script is:

' --------------------------

'INFO : "Number of meshes found: 1"

'INFO : "Path percentage = 100"

'INFO : "First key in time is at frame 4.126"

'INFO : "Last key in time is at frame 90.274"

3. VBScript の例


' This example manipulates the FCurve that drives a Linked Parameter


dim oControlPSet, oControlledPSet

set oControlPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "ControlPSet" )

oControlPSet.AddParameter2 "LinkSrc", siInt4, 5, 0, 20, 0, 20, 0, siAnimatable 

set oControlledPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "ControlledPSet" )

oControlledPSet.AddParameter2 "LinkDest", siInt4, 5, 0, 20, 0, 20, 0, siAnimatable 

'Create linked parameter

SetExpr "ControlledPSet.LinkDest", "l_fcv( ControlPset.LinkSrc )"

'Important: This is how you get to the FCurve so you can

'create the specific relationship

dim oFCurve, oExpr	

set oExpr = oControlledPSet.Parameters( "LinkDest" ).Source			

set oFCurve = oExpr.Parameters( "l_fcv" ).Source



oFCurve.Interpolation = siLinearInterpolation

'Important: Linked fcurves are time independant.  So the in_Frame value is

'used directly as input (i.e. no conversion from frames to seconds is done).

'When linksrc is 0 then linkdest is 0

oFCurve.AddKey 0, 1

'when linksrc is 1 then linkdest is 3

oFCurve.AddKey 1, 3

'when linksrc is 2 then listdest is 2

oFCurve.AddKey 2, 2

'When linksrc is 10 the listdest is 20

oFCurve.AddKey 10, 20


'Demonstrate the relationship

oControlPSet.LinkSrc.Value = 1

Logmessage oControlledPSet.LinkDest.Value 

oControlPSet.LinkSrc.Value = 10

Logmessage oControlledPSet.LinkDest.Value 

'Expected results:

'INFO : 3

'INFO : 20


FCurveKey FCurveKeyCollection Parameter.AddFCurve GetFCurveInfo Parameter AnimationSourceItem Parameter.Max Parameter.Source CustomProperty.AddFCurveParameter PPGLayout.AddFCurve Sequence ScaleAndOffset ActivateFCurve CopyAnimation