

Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:ClusterProperty








各コンポーネントに保存される値のデータ タイプは DoubleArray です。サイズは、クラスタ プロパティのタイプによって異なります。ウェイトマップのサイズは 1 です。UVプロパティのサイズは3です(UVW)。シェイプアニメーションプロパティのサイズは3です(XYZ)。頂点カラープロパティのサイズは4です(RGBA)。エンベロープ ウェイト プロパティのサイズは、デフォーマサイズの数と等しくなります。ユーザ モーション プロパティのサイズは 3 です(XYZ)。

クラスタプロパティによって保持される値には、ClusterProperty.Elementsからアクセスできます。ClusterElementCollection.ArrayまたはClusterElementCollection.ItemsByIndexで個々の値を使用して、2D 配列全体にアクセスできます。ClusterElementCollection.ItemsByIndexによって戻された値のデータ型は、常にArrayです。


クラスタプロパティの中には常に完全な Cluster オブジェクトに追加できるものもあります(Cluster.IsAlwaysComplete を参照)。これらのタイプは、頂点カラー、UV、対称マップ、およびユーザ モーション プロパティです。


AddCustomOp AddICEAttribute AddScriptedOp AddScriptedOpFromFile
AnimatedParameters2 BelongsToオペレータ EvaluateAt GetICEAttributeFromName
IsA IsAnimated2 IsClassOfオペレータ IsEqualToオペレータ
IsKindOf IsLockedオペレータ IsSelectedオペレータ LockOwners
RemoveICEAttribute SetAsSelectedオペレータ SetCapabilityFlagオペレータ SetLock
TaggedParameters UnSetLock    


Application Branchオペレータ BranchFlagオペレータ Capabilitiesオペレータ
Categories Elementsオペレータ EvaluationID Familiesオペレータ
FullNameオペレータ Help HierarchicalEvaluationID ICEAttributes
LockLevelオペレータ LockMastersオペレータ LockTypeオペレータ Model
Nameオペレータ NestedObjects ObjectID Origin
OriginPath Owners PPGLayoutオペレータ Parametersオペレータ
Parent Parent3DObject Selectedオペレータ Singletonオペレータ

1. JScript の例

//JScript example showing how to read UV values in a 

//UV Cluster Property

var oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root;

var oObject = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" );

BlendInPresets( "Image", oObject, 1, false );

CreateTextureSupport( oObject, siTxtUV, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "Texture_Support" );

SetInstanceDataValue(null, "cube.Scene_Material.UV", "Texture_Support");

var oUVWProp = oObject.Material.CurrentUV;

// Output the first 5 UV text coords

var vbaUVW = new VBArray(oUVWProp.Elements.Array);

// Use this to map from index in the Cluster back to index in the Geometry

// If the cluster is not complete or if topology changes are done then

// the geometry index is not necessarily the same as the cluster index

var vbaClusterElement = new VBArray(oUVWProp.Parent.Elements.Array);

for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < 4; iIndex++ )


		logmessage ( "Sample(" + vbaClusterElement.getItem(iIndex) + ") = UV(" + 

			   vbaUVW.getItem(0,iIndex) + "," + vbaUVW.getItem(1,iIndex) + ")"  ) ;


//INFO : "Sample(0) = UV(0.125,0.30408671498298645)"

//INFO : "Sample(1) = UV(0.125,0.6959132552146912)"

//INFO : "Sample(2) = UV(-0.125,0.6959132552146912)"

//INFO : "Sample(3) = UV(-0.125,0.30408671498298645)"

2. VBScript の例

'VBScript example showing how to read UV values in a 

'UV Cluster Property

set oRoot = application.activeproject.activescene.root

set oObject = oRoot.addgeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )

BlendInPresets "Image", oObject, 1, False

CreateTextureSupport oObject, siTxtUV, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "Texture_Support"

SetInstanceDataValue , oObject & ".Scene_Material.UV", "Texture_Support"

set oUVWProp = oObject.Material.CurrentUV

' output uv text coords


'Use this to map from index in the Cluster back to index in the Geometry

'If the cluster is not complete or if topology changes are done then

'the geometry index is not necessarily the same as the cluster index

aClusterIndices = oUVWProp.Parent.elements.array

' Print out just the first few elements

for iIndex=0 to 3 

	logmessage "Sample(" & aClusterIndices(iIndex) & ") = UV(" & _

		   aUVW(0,iIndex) & "," & aUVW(1,iIndex) & ")" 


'Result of running this script:

'INFO : "Sample(0) = UV(0.125,0.304086714982986)"

'INFO : "Sample(1) = UV(0.125,0.695913255214691)"

'INFO : "Sample(2) = UV(-0.125,0.695913255214691)"

'INFO : "Sample(3) = UV(-0.125,0.304086714982986)"

3. VBScript の例

' VBScript example showing how to find the

' texture projection UV values associated

' with each vertex of a polygon

set oRoot = application.activeproject.activescene.root

set oObject = oRoot.addgeometry("Grid", "MeshSurface")

setValue oObject & ".polymsh.geom.subdivu", 2

setValue oObject & ".polymsh.geom.subdivv", 1

BlendInPresets "Image", oObject, 1, False

CreateTextureSupport oObject, siTxtPlanarXZ, siTxtDefaultPlanarXZ, "Texture_Support"

set oUVWProp = oObject.Material.CurrentUV

set oGeom = oObject.activeprimitive.geometry

' get UVW array

aUVW = oUVWProp.elements.Array

' The cluster knows the relationship between

' indices of the Samples and indices of the Sample cluster

set oCluster = oUVWProp.Parent

for Each oPolygon In oGeom.Polygons

	' get polygon index

	oPolygonId = oPolygon.Index

	' get points index array under polygon

	aPntsIndex = oPolygon.Points.IndexArray

	logMessage "Polygon" & oPolygonId

	' get sample indices

	set oSamples = oPolygon.Samples

	for i = 0 To oSamples.Count - 1	

		'Map from the geometry index to the cluster index

		indexInCluster = oCluster.FindIndex( oSamples(i).Index )

		if ( indexInCluster <> -1 ) then	

			logMessage "Point" & aPntsIndex(i) & ":" & "UV("_

				& aUVW(0, oSamples(i).Index) & _

				"," & aUVW(1, oSamples(i).Index) & ")"

		end if



4. VBScript の例

' This example demonstrates applying a file as a texture to an object, and explicitly setting 

' the UV values to specify how the texture maps onto the geometry

option explicit

'This Texture should be a unique name to avoid conflicts with any other possible textures

'The projection and the uv cluster property will use this name

const g_ProjectionName = "MyTexture"

'Set up a sample scene

dim oObj1, oObj2, ImageFile

ImageFile = Application.InstallationPath(siFactoryPath) & "\Data\XSI_SAMPLES\Pictures\jaiqua_face.jpg"

NewScene ,false

SetDisplayMode "Camera", "texturedecal"

set oObj1 = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )

ApplyFileAsTexture oObj1,ImageFile 

set oObj2 = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Torus", "MeshSurface" )

Translate oObj2, 0, 5, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siY

ApplyFileAsTexture oObj2,ImageFile

sub ApplyFileAsTexture( in_obj, in_FileName )

	AttachImageFileToObj in_obj, in_FileName 

	dim oUVProp

	set oUVProp = FindClusterProperty( in_obj, g_ProjectionName)

	SetUVsOnProperty in_obj, oUVProp 		

end sub

'Subroutine: Attach Image File to Object


'This method creates a texture project, and image clip

'and a small render tree that uses the image as the object's texture

sub AttachImageFileToObj( in_obj, in_FileName )

	Dim oTextureProj

	set oTextureProj = CreateProjection( in_obj, , siTxtUV, , g_ProjectionName )

	'Create a local copy of the material and attach the default (phong shader)

	in_obj.AddMaterial "Phong" 

	dim oPhongShader, oAmbientParam, oDiffuseParam

	set oPhongShader = in_obj.Material.Shaders(0)

	set oAmbientParam = oPhongShader.Parameters( "ambient" )

	set oDiffuseParam = oPhongShader.Parameters( "diffuse" )	

	dim oImageClip

	SICreateImageClip in_FileName, ,oImageClip		

	dim oImageNode

	set oImageNode = oAmbientParam.connectfrompreset("Image", siTextureShaderFamily)

	'Diffuse will be driven by the same image node

	oDiffuseParam.Connect( oImageNode )

	oImageNode.parameters( "tex" ).Connect(oImageClip)

	'Tell the image node that the uv values we are going to write into

	'the cluster property are the ones to use for this image

	oImageNode.parameters( "tspace_id" ).SetInstanceValue in_obj, oTextureProj, true

	'Connect the image to the image node		

	oImageNode.Parameters( "tex" ).Connect( oImageClip )	

end sub	

'Subroutine: SetUVOnProperty


'Given an object and a Cluster Property of UV's 

'this routine will fill in values.

'Currently it just show the entire texture on 

'each polygon.  However it could also be adjusted 

'to take the UV values as arguments

sub SetUVsOnProperty( in_oObj, in_oUVProp )

	dim oUVElements, oCluster, cnt

	'get the ClusterElementCollection	

	set oUVElements = in_oUVProp.Elements  

	set oCluster = in_oUVProp.Parent

	cnt = oUVElements.Count

	'Get an array of all the UV Values

	dim ElArray, i

	ElArray = oUVElements.Array

	'Zero out the u,v,w values in the array

	for i = 0 to cnt - 1

		ElArray( 0, i ) = 0

		ElArray( 1, i ) = 0

		ElArray( 2, i ) = 0


	'Traverse the facets (eg polygons on a polymesh)

	'setting the UV values for each sample	

	dim oFacets, oFacet, oSamples, oSample, cntSamples

	dim sample1ClusterIdx, sample2ClusterIdx, sample3ClusterIdx

	set oFacets = in_oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Facets

	for each oFacet in oFacets		

		set oSamples = oFacet.Samples

		cntSamples = oSamples.Count

		'In this example we will map each polygon to cover

		'the entire u/v space - eg the entire texture shows up on


		'Because values are already zeroed we only set

		'the values	we want as non-zero

		sample1ClusterIdx = oCluster.FindIndex( oSamples(1).Index )

		sample2ClusterIdx = oCluster.FindIndex( oSamples(2).Index )	

		ElArray( 0, sample1ClusterIdx ) = 1

		ElArray( 0, sample2ClusterIdx ) = 1

		ElArray( 1, sample2ClusterIdx ) = 1

		if ( cntSamples >= 4 ) then

			sample3ClusterIdx = oCluster.FindIndex( oSamples(2).Index )

			ElArray( 1, oSamples(3).Index ) = 1

		end if


	'Assign these values to the cluster property

	oUVElements.Array = ElArray

	'Freezing the property provides the most efficient memory representation	

	FreezeObj in_oUVProp

end sub

'Subroutine: FindClusterProperty

'Give an object and a property name string,

'this will find the UV cluster property

function FindClusterProperty( in_obj, in_Name )

	dim oClusters, oCluster, oProps, oProp

	'Get the sample clusters

	set oClusters = in_obj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Clusters.Filter( "Sample" )

	for each oCluster in oClusters

		set oProps = oCluster.Properties.Filter( "uvspace" )

		for each oProp in oProps

			if ( oProp.Name = in_Name ) then

				set FindClusterProperty = oProp

				exit function

			end if				



	set FindClusterProperty = Nothing

end function

5. VBScript の例

'VBScript example showing how to find ClusterProperty objects

'on an Mesh

'Create a sample scene with many different cluster properties

newscene ,false

dim sphere

set sphere = CreatePrim ( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )

'Create a vertex color cluster property

CreateVertexColorSupport , "MyVertexColorProperty", sphere 

'Save a Shape

SaveShapeKey "sphere", , , 1, , , , , siShapeLocalReferenceMode

'Create a symmetry map


'Save two weight maps (they will re-use the same


CreateWeightMap , sphere, "Weight_Map1"

CreateWeightMap , sphere, "Weight_Map2"

'Create an skeleton and envelop weight map

Create2DSkeleton -5, 1, 0, 6, 1, 0, -6, 0, 0, 4

AppendBone "eff", 5, 4, 0

ApplyFlexEnv "sphere;bone,bone1", False

'Demonstrate how it is possible to find all the

'clusters and cluster properties

logmessage "List of Clusters and Cluster Properties on " & sphere.Name

logmessage "--------------------------------"

for each oCluster in sphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Clusters	

	logmessage "Cluster: " & oCluster.Name

	for each oLocalProp in oCluster.LocalProperties

		if typename( oLocalProp ) = "ClusterProperty" then

			logmessage "   " & oLocalProp.Name & " (Type: " & oLocalProp.Type & ")"

		end if


	logmessage "--------------------------------"


'Demonstrate how we can be more direct if we are looking for a specific type

'of cluster property

'We know that weight maps are always on point clusters

set oPntClusters = sphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Clusters.Filter( "pnt" )

for each oPntCluster in oPntClusters

	set oWeightMaps = oPntCluster.LocalProperties.Filter( "wtmap" )

	for each oWeightMap in oWeightMaps

		logmessage "Found weight map " & oWeightMap.FullName




Material.CurrentUV Geometry.SaveShapeKey PolygonMesh.AddVertexColor CreateVertexColorSupport CreateUserMotion