Parameter.Tags operator




Returns or sets the tags (siTags) on a parameter. Tags are similar to marked parameters except that you can use tags to flag a parameter for further processing by a script or custom command. Also, tags are saved with the scene, unlike marked parameters.

Tags are easy to query and organize, and you can key, plot, store, and transfer tags to another program through scripting. You can set one tag on a parameter or up to 10 tags named Tag1, Tag2, etc. Many parameters can be tagged with the same Tag value, which allows you to easily get the list of all parameters for a specific tag.

Note: Unlike the Tag command which adds tags to the current set of tags on a parameter, this property is destructive. When you use this property to set the tags for this parameter, the old tags are completely replaced with the new specified tags.

Tip: To remove tags without adding any new tags, use siTagNone (0).

C# Syntax

// get accessor
siTags rtn = Parameter.Tags;
// set accessor
Parameter.Tags = siTags;


JScript Example

	This example demonstrates how to manipulate the tags on a parameter
NewScene( null,false );
var oObj = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" );
var oParam = oObj.subdivu;
// The parameter shouldn't have any tags, so it should be siTagNone (0)
Application.LogMessage( "The parameter's tags are: " + oParam.Tags );
// Set the siTag2 to the parameter
oParam.Tags = siTag2;
Application.LogMessage( "The parameter's tags are: " + oParam.Tags );
// Set the siTag5 to the parameter, this will remove the siTag2, 
oParam.Tags = siTag5;
Application.LogMessage( "The parameter's tags are: " + oParam.Tags );
// Now set a combination of tags 
oParam.Tags = siTag5 + siTag3 + siTag6;
Application.LogMessage( "The parameter's tags are: " + oParam.Tags );
// Remove all tags
oParam.Tags = siTagNone
Application.LogMessage( "The parameter's tags are: " + oParam.Tags );
// Expected results:
//INFO : The parameter's tags are: 0
//INFO : The parameter's tags are: 2
//INFO : The parameter's tags are: 16
//INFO : The parameter's tags are: 52
//INFO : The parameter's tags are: 0

See Also

Parameter.IsLocked ProjectItem.TaggedParameters Tag Untag Parameter.Marked