



Removes one or many tags on a parameter.

Scripting Syntax

Untag( [InputObjs], [Level] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of parameters to untag.

Default Value: Based on current marking and selection.

Level siTags The Tag to remove. This can be a combination of many tags or siTagAll to remove all tags.

Default Value: siTagAll


JScript Example


	JScript example that shows how to tag and untag parameters


NewScene(null, null);

CreatePrim("Cone", "MeshSurface", null, null);

// Tag the subdivu parameter on the cone.

Tag("cone.polymsh.geom.subdivu", siTag3);

Tag("cone.polymsh.geom.subdivv", siTagAll);

// Display the tags on the cone

var oObj = GetValue("Cone");

var oList = oObj.TaggedParameters( siTag3, true );

for (i=0; i<oList.count;i++)


	logmessage (oList.Item(i));


// Remove couple of tags

UnTag("cone.polymsh.geom.*", siTag2 + siTag3);

// Display the tags on the cone

var oObj = GetValue("Cone");

var oList = oObj.TaggedParameters( siTagAll, true );

for (i=0; i<oList.count;i++)


	logmessage (oList.Item(i));


// Now remove all tags

UnTag("cone.polymsh.geom.*", siTagAll);

See Also

Tag Parameter.Tags ProjectItem.TaggedParameters