SubComponent.ComponentCollection operator




現在の SubComponent の特定のコンポーネントタイプと一致するコレクションオブジェクトを戻します。たとえば、次のようになります。

- VertexCollectionVertex コンポーネントと一致(PolygonMesh 上)

- ControlPointCollectionControlPoint コンポーネントと一致(NurbsCurveList および NurbsSurfaceMesh 上)

- EdgeCollectionEdge コンポーネントと一致(PolygonMesh 上)

- PolygonFaceCollectionPolygonFace コンポーネントと一致

- NurbsSurfaceCollection はサブサーフェイス(NurbsSurface)コンポーネントと一致(NurbsSurfaceMesh 上)

注: 同等のコンポーネント コレクションがない場合、空の XSICollection が戻されます(境界またはノットが NurbsSurfaceMesh 上で選択されている場合など)。

1. JScript の例

        This example demonstrates how to query the type of component
        that is currently selected. This can be useful if you are
        writing a tool that operates only on a specific subcomponent
        and you are checking to make sure the correct type of
        subcomponent has been selected by the user.
NewScene( null, false );
var root = Application.ActiveSceneRoot;
// For the purposes of this example we are creating 
// the cube and adding it to the selection
var box = root.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" );
Selection.Add( box.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Segments(0) );
// With one facet selected, the Selection.Item property
// returns a CollectionItem from which you can retrieve
// the SubComponent 
var first_selected = Selection.Item(0).SubComponent;
Application.LogMessage( Application.ClassName(first_selected) );
// The SubComponent object gives you access to the actual
// interface for the component type via its ComponentCollection
// property (in this case, an Edge object)
var component_collection = first_selected.ComponentCollection;
Application.LogMessage( Application.ClassName(component_collection.Item(0)) );
// Expected results:
//INFO : SubComponent
//INFO : Edge

2. VBScript の例

set oObj = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface")
set oPoint = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points(4)
set oSubComponent = oPoint.SubComponent
oSubComponent.AddElement 3
set oPoints = oSubComponent.ComponentCollection
for each point in oPoints
        Application.LogMessage point.Index


PointCollection SegmentCollection FacetCollection NurbsCurveCollection