Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:StaticKinematicState
StaticKinematicState オブジェクトは、オブジェクトの基本ポーズです。StaticKinematicState
つのオブジェクトは静止キネマティクス状態を 1 つだけ持つことができます。静止キネマティクス状態は、Envelope
オペレータ、DeformBySpine オペレータ、または DeformByCage
メニューの Set Reference Pose を実行すると変更されます。3
MoveComponent オペレータにより適用される変換です。1 つのクラスタ上でコンポーネントを
1回移動させるたびに、静止キネマティクス状態は 1 つ作られます(2
'======================================================================================= ' This script demonstrates how to get the StaticKinematicState object ' from a cluster. Notice that this object only exists after the cluster ' has been transformed. '======================================================================================= ' Set up a cluster on a torus set oRoot = ActiveSceneRoot set oTorus = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Torus","MeshSurface" ) set oPimple = oTorus.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( _ siVertexCluster, _ "Pimple", _ Array( 0,2,8,10 ) _ ) ' Print out position information before moving the cluster getBasePositionInfo oPimple ' Translate the cluster in X and Z Translate oPimple, 0, 3.54998625973143, -0.354998625973143, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ ' Print out position information after applying envelope getBasePositionInfo oPimple function getBasePositionInfo( in_cluster ) ' The cluster will only have it after a MoveComponent ' operator has been applied if in_cluster.HasStaticKinematicState then set oBasePose = in_cluster.GetStaticKinematicStates for each oPose in oBasePose ' Create an SIVector3 math object to hold the translation set oTranslation = XSIMath.CreateVector3 ' Print out the translation information from the base pose oPose.Transform.GetTranslation oTranslation logmessage "The StaticKinematicState property position is " _ & "(as X, Y, Z): " & oTranslation.X & ", " _ & oTranslation.Y & ", " & oTranslation.Z next else ' Default situation logmessage "There's no StaticKinematicState property on this object." end if end function '======================================================================================= ' Output of above script is: ' 'INFO : "There's no StaticKinematicState property on this object." 'INFO : "The StaticKinematicState property position is (as X, Y, Z): 0, 0, 0" 'INFO : "The StaticKinematicState property position is (as X, Y, Z): 0, 3.54998625973143, -0.354998625973143" |
'======================================================================================= ' This script demonstrates how to get the StaticKinematicState object ' from an object. Notice that the StaticKinematicState only exists ' after an envelope or deform operation has been performed on the object. '======================================================================================= ' Set up a null to envelope set oRoot = ActiveSceneRoot set oNull = oRoot.AddPrimitive( "Null","MyNull") oNull.Kinematics.Global.Parameters( "posy" ).Value = 6.0 ' Set up the object to use as an envelope set oCube = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube","MeshSurface" ) ' Print out position information before applying envelope getBasePositionInfo oCube ' Set up the envelope oCube.ApplyEnvelope oNull ' Print out position information after applying envelope getBasePositionInfo oCube function getBasePositionInfo( in_object ) ' The object will only have it after an envelope or deform ' operator has been applied if in_object.HasStaticKinematicState then set oTranslation = XSIMath.CreateVector3 in_object.GetStaticKinematicState.Transform.GetTranslation oTranslation logmessage "The StaticKinematicState property position is (as X, Y, Z): " & _ oTranslation.X & ", " & oTranslation.Y & ", " & oTranslation.Z else logmessage "There's no StaticKinematicState property on this object." end if end function '======================================================================================= ' Output of above script is: ' 'INFO : "There's no StaticKinematicState property on this object." 'INFO : "The StaticKinematicState property position is (as X, Y, Z): 0, 0, 0" |