Public Attributes
tagXSI_RTS_SceneData Struct Reference

Detailed Description

The XSI_RTS_SceneData structure.

Holds scene information about the lights in the scene, the current camera and the current time. This is a legacy structure returned by the tagXSI_RTS_SystemParams::m_SceneData member.

See also:
tagXSI_RTS_SystemParams::m_SceneData, tagXSI_RTS_Camera, tagXSI_RTS_Light, cus_rtshad_CommunicatingwithXSI Communicating with Softimage

#include <XSI_rtshaders.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int  m_iNbLights
XSI_RTS_Light m_pLights
XSI_RTS_Camera  m_sCamera
double  m_fCurrentTime

Member Data Documentation

Number of lights

Array of XSI_RTS_Light structures

The current camera

Current time

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: