Public Attributes
tagXSI_RTS_SystemParams Struct Reference

Detailed Description

The XSI_RTS_SystemParams structure.

Holds the system parameters to be passed to all shader callbacks. This is a legacy structure returned by the IRTSExecutionState::GetSystemParams function.

m_lNbParams Number of parameters
m_lAppID Application ID
m_lRTSVersion Realtime shader protocol version.
m_lContext Uniquely identifies the viewport during a Softimage session. Each viewport (regular or object view) has an XGS context associated with it. m_lContext is a handle to the context object cast to a LONG
m_pShaderHandle Shader instance handle ( CRef handle to the Shader object). You can use the C++ API to access it.
m_pObjectHandle Deprecated v7.0. For RTS v3.0 shaders you can get the object directly via IRTSExecutionState::GetPrimitive
m_pMaterialHandle Deprecated v7.0. For RTS v3.0 shaders you can get the material directly via IRTSExecutionState::GetMaterial
m_pGS Handle to the graphic system ( CRef handle to the GraphicSequencer object). You can use the C++ API to access it.
m_pGLExt The OpenGL extension wrapper flags indicate whether a particular OpenGL extension is used. Simply test the appropriate field in that structure. For example, if you want to test whether your hardware supports the GL_ARB_multitexture extension, then simply check if m_pGS->_GL_ARB_multitexture is set to TRUE.
m_pGLExtFuncs The OpenGL extension wrapper functions can be called directly from that structure. For example, if you want to call the glClientActiveTextureARB extension function, just use m_pGLExtFuncs->glClientActiveTextureARB.
m_lShaderFlags Shader flags. See Shader Flag Defines .
m_lObjectFlags Object flags. See Object Flag Defines .
m_m4x4ObjectPose The object pose is a 4x4 matrix containing the global transformation of the object.
m_SceneData The scene data is a structure that contains camera and light information. See tagXSI_RTS_SceneData.
See also:
IRTSExecutionState::GetSystemParams, IRTSExecutionState, Define , cus_rtshad_SystemParameters System Parameters

#include <XSI_rtshaders.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

ULONG  m_lNbParams
ULONG  m_lRTSVersion
RTSContext  m_lContext
void *  m_pShaderHandle
void *  m_pObjectHandle
void *  m_pMaterialHandle
void *  m_pGS
XGSExtensionsGL m_pGLExt
XGSGLExtensionsFuncs m_pGLExtFuncs
ULONG  m_lShaderFlags
ULONG  m_lObjectFlags
float  m_m4x4ObjectPose [16]
XSI_RTS_SceneData m_SceneData

Member Data Documentation

Number of parameters


Application ID

Realtime shader protocol version

RTSContext m_lContext


Shader instance handle (CRef)

Owner object handle (CRef)

Owner material handle (CRef)

void* m_pGS

Handle to the graphic system (CRef)

Softimage OpenGL extension wrapper flags

Softimage OpenGL extension wrapper functions

Shader flags

Object flags

Object's transformation matrix

Scene Data

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