Public Attributes
tagXSI_RTS_Camera Struct Reference

Detailed Description

The XSI_RTS_Camera structure.

Holds information about a camera. Used by the legacy tagXSI_RTS_SceneData structure which is accessed via the tagXSI_RTS_SystemParams::m_SceneData member.

See also:
tagXSI_RTS_SystemParams::m_sCamera, IRTSExecutionState::GetCamera, Camera

#include <XSI_rtshaders.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

float  m_mMatrix [16]
eXSI_RTS_CameraType  m_eCameraType
float  m_fRight
float  m_fLeft
float  m_fTop
float  m_fBottom
float  m_fNear
float  m_fFar
float  m_fFOV
float  m_fAspect

Member Data Documentation

float m_mMatrix[16]

The camera matrix

The type of camera (ortho, perspective)

float m_fRight

Frustum right

float m_fLeft

Frustum left

float m_fTop

Frustum top

float m_fBottom

Frustum bottom

float m_fNear

Near plane

float m_fFar

Far plane

float m_fFOV

Field of view

float m_fAspect

Aspect ratio

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