Vector Coordinate Converter

| Render Tree Usage

Category: Processing > Conversion

Shader Family: Texture

Output: Vector

Converts a point, normal, or vector from one space definition to another.


The shader's name. Enter any name you like, or leave the default.

Input (XYZ or UVW)

Specifies the input vector information.


Selects what is to be converted:

Vector: A vector in space

Point: A point in space

Normal: A surface normal in space


Specifies what kind of conversion to apply to the input.

To World: Converts to World space. The texture is mapped to the scene's 0,0 coordinates. The texture will remain stable, even if objects move, as though the object is "swimming" in a texture. As long as the object does not move, the texture will remain constant.

To Camera: Converts to Camera Space. The texture is mapped relative to the camera's center. In this coordinate system, the camera is the center of the "world," with an up vector, looking toward the negative Z axis. The result resembles an image projected from a camera. The texture will move with the camera and will be affected by any scaling, rotation and translation.

To Object: Converts to Object Space. The texture is mapped according to the object's center (0,0 coordinate), and the texture will move with the object.

From World: Converts from World to Internal Space.

From Camera: Converts from Camera to Internal Space.

From Object: Converts from Object to Internal Space.

Render Tree Usage

This node usually doesn't have any other shaders input into it. Use it to drive a vector input, such as Texture Coordinates of a shader. The Texture Space shaders (controllers and generators) are often used with this shader.