Constrains an object within, outside, or on the surface of a constraining object's boundaries. The constraining object must
be either an implicit cube or an implicit sphere.
For more information, see Bounding Volume and Bounding Plane Constraints [ Animation ].
To apply: Select an object, , then pick the implicit object to which the selected object will be constrained.
To redisplay: Select the constrained object, choose on the MCP, and click the constraint's icon.
Toggles the activeness of this constraint.
Blends the weight of this constraint with other constraints on the selected object.
Selects the boundary type. The constrained object remains inside the constraining object's boundary limits.
The constrained object remains outside the constraining object's boundary limits.
The constrained object remains constrained to the constraining object's outer surface.
The constrained object exhibits no constraint behavior. If Constraint Information is selected in the Visibility Settings
property editor (press Shift+S), only the distance between the centers of the constrained and constraining objects is displayed.
Selects whether or not the object is constrained by its points or surface bounding box, by its center, or simply by its points
or surface.