Creates a gelatin-like material with a strong elastic structure using the point cloud that is emitted. There's always room for jello!
The parameters exposed for this compound are a subset of those in the Lagoa Material Cloth compound, mainly in the Pressure and Elasticity groups.
Plug this compound's Execute output into an Execute port of the Lagoa Phase node.
To create more object-like elements, emit the particles only once at a frame instead of at every frame.
To use this material, do either of the following:
Choose the Particles Create
Lagoa Particles
Jello command from ICE toolbar, which creates a soft body particle structure that can bounce on a collision object. See Creating Jello [Lagoa Multiphysics Simulations] for more information.
Choose the Particles Create
Lagoa Particles
Throw Elastic Clusters command from ICE toolbar, which also throws out soft body particle structures every nth frame. This command uses the Lagoa Setup Throw Elastic Clusters compound, which contains the Jello material. See Creating Elastic Particle Clusters [Lagoa Multiphysics Simulations] for more information.