



Adds an InputPort and an OutputPort to the custom operator. This method makes it possible to define a connection to a custom operator by specifying the type of object it needs to connect to, rather than providing an actual existing object as is the case in CustomOperator.AddIOPort. This is for use in advanced operators, where the port may be optional and dynamically connected after the operator is instantiated.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = CustomOperator.AddIOPortByClassID( TargetClassID, [PortName], [PortGroup], [Flags] );

Return Value

Returns the newly created input and output ports in a PortCollection object.


Parameter Type Description
TargetClassID siClassID Type of object that can connect to this object, for example siKinematicStateID, siClusterPropertyID, siParameterID or siPrimitiveID.
PortName String The name of the ports. If a name is not specified then the names of the input and output ports are created automatically. The input port has "In" prefixed to the name plus the Parameter.ScriptName of the object connected to the port. The output port is the same but with the prefix "Out".

Default Value: "" (empty string)

PortGroup Long Index of the port group.

Default Value: -1 (add to end of port groups)

Flags Long Mask of port group flags described by siPortFlags.

Default Value: 0

See Also

CustomOperator.AddIOPort CustomOperator.AddInputPortByClassID Operator.ConnectToGroup