Menu Item Callbacks


Callback function fired when a user clicks a menu item.

Menu item callbacks are added to a menu item with Menu.AddCallbackItem.

Use this callback to define a special function that will execute when the user activates the associated callback menu item. For example, you could implement a function that modifies the current layout or changes some user preferences.

This differs from a command menu item associated to a custom command that you have defined in the same plug-in in that a callback function does not get added to the Softimage command map.

Tip This callback is fired every time the menu callback function is invoked.

Applies To

Menu items added to a menu item with Menu.AddCallbackItem.


public class <menu_name>
        public bool <menu-item_callback_name>( Context in_context )
CStatus <menu-item_callback_name>( CRef& in_context )
function <menu-item_callback_name>( in_context )
def <menu-item_callback_name>( in_context ):
Function <menu-item_callback_name>( in_context )
End Function
sub <menu-item_callback_name> 
        my $in_context = shift; 

<menu-item_callback_name> is the name specified in the call to Menu.AddCallbackItem, with any spaces converted to underscores.


Parameter Language Type Description
in_context Scripting and C# Context Context.Source returns the MenuItem.
C++ CRef& A reference to the Context object. Context::GetSource returns the MenuItem.

Context Attributes

For most context menus, the Target attribute contains the selected objects and the object under the mouse pointer.

For regular menus (except for the File menu in the Plug-in Manager), the Target attribute is not set).

Attribute Menus Description
Target 3D View and SE context menus Scripting and C#

XSICollection containing the selected objects and the object under the cursor.


CValue containing a CValueArray. The array contains the selected objects and the object under the cursor.
Property Editor context menu The object whose parameters are displayed on the property page (for example, a KinematicState object for the Global Transform property page).
Plug-in Manager and menus (context and normal menus)

Workgroup Manager File menu
The View object for the Plug-in Manager.
Script Editor context menus History pane

The selected text or, if no text is selected, the current line.

Editing pane

The View object for the script editor.
Schematic View and View Context menus The Target attribute contains the Schematic View object.
Schematic Node context menus Scripting and C#

XSICollection containing the view object and the object under the cursor.


CValue containing a CValueArray. The array contains the view object and the object under the cursor.
Scene Layer Manager menus The View object for the Scene Layer Manager.
Scene Layer Manager context menus Scripting and C#

Layer containing the layer object under the cursor.


Layer containing the layer object under the cursor.

See Also