





Creates and returns a new object based on a preset. The object is created in the TransientObjectContainer meaning that it is not persisted in the scene or visible in the scene explorer. This area is flushed each time a new scene is loaded. This command can be useful for creating temporary CustomProperty objects as shown in the example below.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = CreateObjectFromPreset( PresetObj, [Name] );

Return Value

Returns the newly created object.


Parameter Type Description
PresetObj String Preset object or full path of the preset file. See Model Presets, Operator Presets, Pass Presets, Primitive Presets, Property Presets, and Shader Presets
Name String Name to give the created object


JScript Example

        Example of creating a temporary custom property (aka custom pset).
        This can be useful for showing a temporary yet non-modal custom pset
        to the user.  The user doesn//t have to close the PPG immediately
        yet the object does not clutter up the scene file.
NewScene( "", false );
// Demonstrate how you can use it to create a built-in custom pset
var oAnnotation = CreateTemporaryCustomPSet( "Annotation", Application.InstallationPath(siFactoryPath), "MyA" );
if ( oAnnotation ) {
        InspectObj( oAnnotation, "", "Annotation Test", siModal, false );
// Create an instance of one of the SDK workgroup sample psets
var presetpath = XSIUtils.BuildPath(
        Application.InstallationPath( siFactoryPath ),
        "XSISDK", "examples", "workgroup", "Addons", "PSetUIDemo"
var oPSetUIDemo = CreateTemporaryCustomPSet( "PSetUIDemo", presetpath, "" );
if ( oPSetUIDemo ) {
        InspectObj( oPSetUIDemo, "", "PSetUIDemo Test", siModal, false );
// Now the following lines will log, declaring that these instances live inside the TransientObjectContainer:
// INFO : Full path of Annotation instance is: TransientObjectContainer.MyA
// INFO : Full path of PSetUIDemo instance is: TransientObjectContainer.PSetUIDemo
// ... but nothing exists under the Scene_Root...
var oProp = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.Properties("PSetUIDemo");
if (oProp == null || typeof(oProp) == "undefined") {
        Application.LogMessage( "No instances found." );
} else {
        Application.LogMessage( "Found an instance." );
// INFO : No instances found.
// ... until you apply it
Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( XSIUtils.BuildPath(presetpath, "Data", "DSPresets", "Properties", "PSetUIDemo.Preset") );
oProp = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.Properties("PSetUIDemo");
if (oProp == null || typeof(oProp) == "undefined") {
        Application.LogMessage( "No instances found." );
} else {
        Application.LogMessage( "Found an instance." );
// INFO : Found an instance.
// Function CreateTemporaryCustomPSet
// Creates a temporary custom property set.  This does not appear in the scene explorer and you do not have to
// worry about deleting it.
// in_PresetName - Name of the preset, which normally matches the name of the spdl file.  Do not include the extension
// in_PresetLocation - May be one of the siInstallationPath values (e.g. siUserPath, siUserAddonPath, etc.) or a string path
// in_CustomPSetName - Desired name for the new object, or leave empty for default behavior
// Return Value: newly created custom pset
function CreateTemporaryCustomPSet( in_PresetName, in_PresetLocation, in_CustomPSetName )
        var oPSet;
        // Last argument is optional
        if ( in_CustomPSetName == "" ) {
                in_CustomPSetName = in_PresetName;
        // Figure out whether this is a string path or an siInstallationPath value
        in_PresetLocation = ( typeof(in_PresetLocation) == "string" ) 
                ? in_PresetLocation
                : Application.InstallationPath(in_PresetLocation);
        var presetFullPath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( 
                in_PresetLocation, "Data", "DSPresets", "Properties", in_PresetName + ".Preset"
        try {
                oPSet = CreateObjectFromPreset( presetFullPath, in_CustomPSetName );
                Application.LogMessage( "Full path of " + in_PresetName + " instance is: " + oPSet.FullName );
        } catch(e) {
                Application.LogMessage( "Failed to create temporary instance of " + in_PresetName + " preset", siWarning );
                return null;
        return oPSet;

See Also

XSIFactory.CreateObjectFromPreset CreatePreset LoadPreset SavePreset SIGetPreset SILoadPreset SIAddPropEx