Adding a Custom Import Script to the Interface


Occasionally, you may need to create your own custom script to address your own particular needs.

The following steps will guide you into creating a custom import script and adding it to the Autodesk Showcase interface.

  1. Create a text file containing an import script, either by copying and pasting the sample script, or by duplicating and renaming one of the default script files.

    Save the file with a *.j extension in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Showcase2007\support\TessellationSettings

    The name you give the file will be the name that appears in the Autodesk Showcase interface.

  2. Customize the script by editing the file in a text editor. For a list of all the options you can change, see Import Conversion Script Options.
  3. When you have customized the new script, you can update any existing models to use the new tessellation.

    In the Import Status window, click Settings.

  4. The name of the new script file is displayed in the Change Settings window:

    Select the new script from the list to update the imported file's settings.

    NoteThe new script will also appear in the Converted Imported Models window the next time you use it: