The Snap feature enables you to snap objects to other geometry in the scene. This is useful when you want to quickly move
an object to another point or edge in the scene. The pivot point of the selection is moved to the selected point on the target
To snap objects:
- Select an object.
- Press H to display the transform handles.
- While holding down the S key, click a point on another object to move the selected object to that point.
- To drop the Pivot to the center-bottom of the bounding box of the object (with the S key still pressed), press G.
- You can also try one of the following. Edge-snapping is active in all cases. While holding down the S key, drag:
- The centre handle (a ball); the object moves to the release point.
- A plane handle; the object moves as you drag but is constrained to the plane.
- A direction handle; the object moves as you drag but is constrained to the handle axis.
If you apply the snap feature to multiple selected objects, they are moved as a unit. The pivot point of the combined bounding
box is what is snapped to the target object.