Apply environment shadows


The following procedure affects the current environment only.

  1. Select Appearance > Directional Light and Shadows.

    The Directional Light and Shadows window appears.

  2. To enable environment shadows, select Cast shadows.
  3. To enable environment illumination, select Environment light. Click the color box to adjust sun light color.
  4. Use the properties in this window to adjust the look of the lights and shadows in the current environment. See The Environment Light and Shadows dialog box.

To apply shadows:

  1. Press V to open the Visual Styles interface.
  2. Under Realistic, click the Ambient Shadows or Both Shadows and Ambient Shadows icon.

    Shadows are displayed in the scene as configured in the Directional Light and Shadows window.

    NoteUse the Realistic visual styles to turn shadows on or off. The abstract visual styles maintain the shadows settings.
  3. Adjust or change the type of ambient shadows you want, as described in the following sections: