Set up multiple turntables


Create two or more turntables for comparing different alternatives or concepts.

Set up multiple turntables

  1. Set up the geometry you need to create multiple turntables.

    For example, if you want to compare and contrast different car models, you will first need to duplicate the geometry and decorate it.

  2. Press B to show the Behaviors interface.
  3. Select the geometry for the new turntable.
  4. Click the Create button in the Behaviors interface and select Turntable from the menu.
  5. Double-click over the new turntable’s name to give the turntable a meaningful description.
  6. Move the pivot to the turntable objects.
  7. Open the control window to use the turntable.
  8. The Turntable Control window title identifies the turntable.

    You can also combine turntables and other behaviors using storyboards.