Create a custom environment

Before you start ...

NoteThe input images used for custom environments are High Dynamic Range (sometimes called 32-bit or HDR images) panoramic images which store more brightness than can be displayed on a conventional computer monitor. They can be created by many different devices, cameras, and software with a wide range of capabilities. The quality of the HDR input image will greatly influence the quality of the custom environment in Showcase.

You must acquire or create the necessary image files before you can proceed to create your own image-based lighting environment, including:

How to obtain environment image files

There are several ways to obtain backdrop images and lighting maps:

Define a custom environment library

Before creating custom environments, a custom library must be defined. This can be a folder on your local machine, or a shared location on a network drive. The user running Showcase must have write permissions to this library location to save a custom environment.

For detailed instructions, see Add a custom environment library.

Create environment maps

After you obtain the environment image file, follow these instructions to generate the IBL maps needed for your own environment in Autodesk Showcase:

NoteThese steps are the same whether you choose to create a Geometry Environment (with an image mapped to it) or a Backplate Environment (where the image is infinitely far away).
  1. If the Environments interface is not already visible, press the E key (or select Scene > Environments).
  2. Press the Create button at the top of the Environment interface, or choose the menu item Scene > Create Environment...or right-click on an editable environment like Generic or BP Generic, and from the menu that appears, choose Create New Environment.
  3. Browse your files and choose an HDR panoramic image meeting the criteria listed in the Before you start...section above.

    After a few moments, the Create Environment dialog will appear and a preview of your environment image will be displayed

  4. Make adjust the image so that it looks good in the preview using the following tools:
    • Exposure: adjusts the overall brightness of the input HDR scene when creating IBL maps and the background image. The slider has a range of -3 to +3, but values beyond these can be entered numerically. This is useful when the IBL effect is either too dark or too bright.
    • Saturation: sets the overall saturation of the scene. More saturation will result in a more “colored” environment lighting, while less will result in a more “neutral” lighting.
    • Non-Linear Brightness: adjusts both the brightness and saturation of the image at the same time, in a non-linear amount. Useful if the image is extremely dark and contrasted, or light and lacking contrast.
  5. Press the Create Environment button to begin the process of creation.

    After the process completes, the newenvironment will be shown in the scene and automatically saved to a temporary directory. The Create Environment dialog remains open for adjustments and recreating the environment with new settings.

More controls and recreating the maps

Press the Show More Controls folder to expose the advanced and individual map controls for the current environment.

NoteThe environment shown in the scene can be adjusted by changing any of the values in the Create Environment dialog and pressing the Create Environment button again. This will recreate the environment, excluding any maps not “checked” as Include in IBL creation.