Add a custom environment library

Using custom environments can greatly increase the realism of your scenes. Adding a custom environment library provides a convenient location to browse and use custom environments.

NoteA custom environment library is required to create and save any new custom environments. User edits or additions to the default library are not allowed.

Add an environment library

  1. Press the E key to open the Environments interface.
  2. Under the Environment Libraries section, press the Manage button.

    The environment library management menu appears:

  3. Select Add Environment Library from the menu.
  4. Browse to a folder that you wish to use for custom environments, or to a folder that already has custom environments in it.
    TipBe sure you have read and write access to the folder or network location to create, edit and save environments, or read access to load existing custom environments into your scene.
  5. Press OK in the file browser.

    The new environment library location will be displayed in alphabetical order (by pathname) in the Environment Libraries section.

Remove an environment library

  1. Press the E key to open the Environments interface.
  2. Under the Environment Libraries section, press the Manage button.
  3. Select Remove Environment Library from the menu.
  4. Select the library to remove from the submenus.
  5. Or, right-click over the pathname of your environment library and choose Remove Environment Library from the menu that appears.

Share environment libraries

If you wish to share environment libraries with other users:

  1. Share or set permissions for the folder containing your custom environments to allow read access at the very minimum.

    If you wish to allow edits or saving new environments to the library, enable write access for selected users as well.

  2. For each user, add the shared library path following the steps above in .
    NoteCustom environment library paths are stored for each user of Showcase in their personal userPrefs.xml file in the My Documents\Autodesk Showcase 2010 directory. If you switch users or machines, you will not see the same custom environments unless they are defined in the userPrefs.xml file for the local user.