Create a turntable

Set up a turntable

  1. Press B to show the Behaviors interface.
  2. Click the arrow beside the Create button and select New Turntable.

  3. Double-click over the name field of the new behavior and type in its name.

    This will help you identify the turntable if you create several turntables.

  4. Press and hold the right mouse button over the turntable icon, and select Properties from the menu.

    The Turntable Properties window appears.

  5. Select the objects you want to place on the turntable.

    Drag a selection box around an entire object (for example, a car) to ensure all of its component objects are selected.

  6. From the right-button menu, select Add selection to turntable.

    The number of selected objects is shown in the window.

  7. Click the Turntable Controls button to play the turntable.

  8. If you need a simple turntable, you may not need to change any other settings. The following settings are available should you want to change the behavior of the turntable:

Play the turntable animation

  1. Press B to see the Behaviors interface.
  2. Click and hold the right mouse button over the turntable you want to play.
  3. Select Turntable Controls from the menu.

    The Turntable Play Controls window appears.

    The window provides the following controls:

    Play the animation forwards/backwards.

    Stop the animation.

    Nudge the animation forward or backward, degree by degree (when you want to focus in on a design feature):

    Reset the animation (the objects return to their original position at 0 degrees)Tip! Click this button before you start to modify your scene again.

    Speed up or slow down the animation.The new speed becomes the default value in the Turntable Properties window.

    Move the turntable to a particular point.

Add turntables to Storyboards

This feature is available only in Autodesk Showcase Professional.

Turntables can be added to Storyboard slides and triggered with different playback options when the slide is played. For more information, see Add behaviors to a slide.

To learn more about Storyboards, see Set up a storyboard.

Adjust how objects rotate around the turntable pivot

After you set up the turntable animation and play it, you may want to change the pivot so that the assigned objects rotate more tightly or loosely. For example,

By default, the pivot is at the origin of the environment.

Change the pivot location

  1. Press B to see the Behaviors interface.
  2. Press and hold the right mouse button over the turntable icon, and select Properties from the menu.

    The pivot appears when the Turntable Properties window is open:

  3. Move the pivot along the floor by dragging its green or red handles.
  4. Click the Move objects to pivot button to center the assigned objects over the pivot.

    Or, click the Move pivot to objects button to move the pivot to the center of the objects.

  5. Enter absolute values in the Turntable Pivot X,Y fields (and Z, if using rotisserie) to precisely position the pivot, or adjust the automatic or interactive positioning.

Add more objects to the turntable

  1. Select the objects you want to add.
  2. From the Behaviors interface, click and hold with the right mouse button over the turntable icon and select Add selection to from the menu.

    (Or, from the Turntable Properties window, click the Choose button and select the menu choice Add selection to.)The selected objects are included in the turntable animation.

Remove selected objects from the turntable animation

  1. Select the objects you want to remove.
  2. From the Behaviors interface, select the turntable, click and hold with the right mouse button, and select Remove selection from.

    (Or, from the Turntable Properties window, click the Choose button and select the menu choice Remove selection from.The selected objects are removed from the objects associated with the turntable animation, and will no longer turn when the animation is played.

Remove all objects from the turntable

  1. From the Behaviors interface, select the turntable, click and hold with the right mouse button over the behavior icon, and choose Select Contents.

    All objects associated with the turntable animation are selected.

  2. From the turntable’s right mouse button menu, select Remove selection from.

    All of the objects are removed from the turntable animation.

See Also