Link multiple behaviors together

You can link together two or more turntables so that their action is synchronized under one set of playback controls.

Link multiple behaviors

Link behaviors

  1. First, set up the multiple behaviors you want to use.
  2. Ensure that all behaviors are returned to their starting position:

    NoteIt is recommended you close all control windows for all behaviors you will be linking.
  3. Click over each of the behaviors you want to link. Their names should appear orange.

  4. From the right mouse menu, select Link Selected Behaviors.

  5. A control window appears. Its title indicates it is for multiple behaviors.

    Use this window to control the linked turntables and animations:

Remove behavior linking

  1. Always reset the behavior playback timelines before performing any operations on objects.

  2. Behavior icons show a link icon, if they are linked, and an additional icon if one of the behaviors in their group is selected.

  3. To remove a behavior from the group of linked behaviors, select Unlink Behavior from its right mouse button menu.

  4. The behavior is not linked any longer.

  5. To unlink the entire group: reset the group in its Control window, close its control window, and then select Unlock Behavior Group from the right mouse menu over any of its linked behaviors.

See Also