Object Selection icons

The Object Selection icons let you choose which type of objects you can select in the Viewer window or Schematic view. This is useful in complex scenes where it is difficult to select a specific item without selecting everything near it.

Object Selection icons A. Objects B. Curves C. Skeletons D. Markers E. Nulls F. Cameras G. Lights H. Vertex I. Pivot

For example, when selecting a Null in a scene in the Viewer window, it is hard not to select the entire everything surrounding it. To select only the Null, disable all of the Object Selection buttons except the Null button.


The objects available for selection and manipulation vary depending on the Object Mode set. For example, you can only select Pivots in Pivot mode.

The following selection types are used in the different transformation modes:

Icon Lets you select
3D curves
Skeletons. When in Skeleton mode, you cannot select the model or Control rig.
Control rig effectors
Vertices.Vertex selection is only available in Vertex mode.
Auxiliary pivots. Pivot selection is only available in Pivot mode.
Custom cameras
Lights, excluding the Global light

The current Transformation and Reference modes are displayed beside the Global/Local/Layer fields. If no Transformation mode is specified, you are able to select all objects in the Viewer window.You can activate multiple selection types at the same time or only have one mode active.