You can specify the rigid body type by setting in the window or in the Rigid Body Properties section of the bulletRigidBodyShape node Attribute Editor. In Bullet, Dynamic rigid
bodies are often referred to as active rigid bodies while Kinematic and Static rigid bodies are also known as passive rigid
There are three types of Bullet rigid bodies:
- Dynamic rigid bodies ( > ) are fully simulated physics objects. This type is the most performance intensive rigid body. By default, all rigid bodies
are created as Dynamic rigid bodies.
- Kinematic rigid bodies ( > ) can be animated during the physics simulation, but they are not affected by the simulation itself. Because kinematic bodies
can be moved, the Bullet physics simulation spends more time updating kinematic rigid bodies than static rigid bodies.
- Static rigid bodies ( > ) do not move during the physics simulation. The Bullet physics simulation can optimize how it updates static rigid bodies
in the scene since it knows their positions remain fixed between frames.
You can animate the rigid body type and its transformation. When the Body Type attribute is set to , you can set keys for the rigid body's Transform attributes. Keyed transformations have no effect when Body Type is set to
Dynamic Rigid Body. Dynamic rigid body transformations are determined by the solver. See Rigid Body Properties for more information about Rigid Body settings.
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