Export file references


You can select objects in your scene and export them to a new, referenced file using the Export Selection As Reference command. When you export objects as file references, Maya creates a new scene file in the specified location and references that file into the open parent scene.

You can also set options in the Export Selection Options window to export selected objects as referenced files.

NoteYou cannot use the Export Selection As Reference to export objects that are already referenced in the parent scene. You can export the entire scene and preserve the current references in the resulting file. See File Export All Export Selection.

When you use Export Selection As Reference, the resulting referenced objects maintain their worldspace position and do not need to be repositioned after being loaded into the parent scene.

You can export object selections as references from the Outliner Reference menu, .Reference Editor, or Maya main menu bar.

Export references from the Outliner

  1. In the Outliner, -click the object you want to export as a referenced file, and select Reference > Export Selection As Reference > from the menu that appears.

    The Export Selection As Reference Options window appears.

  2. In the Export Selection As Reference Options window, set the export and reference options.

    See Export Selection As Reference Options.

  3. In the file browser that appears, navigate to the location you want to store the file, type a File name, and click Export Selection As Reference.

    Maya creates a new scene file and references it into the current scene.

Export references from the Export Selection Options window

  1. In the scene, select the object you want to export as a referenced file.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Reference Editor (File > Reference Editor), select File > Export Selection > .
    • Select File > Export Selection > .

    The Export Selection Options window appears.

  3. In the Reference Options section of the Export Selection Options window, turn on Keep only a reference.

    You can also set other referencing options, such as namespace or proxies options. See File Export All Export Selection.

    Maya creates a new scene file and references it into the current scene.

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