Sets the selected object as a Passive Rigid Body. For additional settings available only in the , see Rigid Body Properties.
NoteThe menu item only overrides the body type, otherwise it shares the same settings as the active rigid body settings.
Bullet > Create Passive Rigid Body >
Opens the window.
Lets you specify the type of object, or the mesh that to use to approximate the solve object. Select , , , , , , and .
NoteIt is a good idea to match the shape of your object as closely as possible as the collision behavior is affected by this shape.
Lets you set an axis for the collider shape approximation.
Activate so that Maya computes the tightest length, radius, and extents when a rigid body is first created. The plane collider represents
an infinite plane that passes through the position of the object's transform, and is oriented according to its rotation. It
extends infinitely in the local X and Z directions.
NoteClick in the section of the to perform a onetime auto-fit on the existing bullet object.
Activate Hide Shape to sSets the visibility of the rigid body shape to False, which helps reduce visual clutter and can help
to improve Viewport redraw performance.
Lets you set the length of the cylindrical section of a capsule- or cylinder-shaped collider approximation.
Lets you set the radius of a sphere or cylinder-shaped collider approximation, or the radius of the spherical caps of a capsule-shaped
collider approximation.
Sets the length of the sides of the collider shape approximation.
Lets you specify the rigid body type by selecting , , or from the menu. See
Bullet Rigid Body Types for descriptions of the body types,
Activate this so that the dynamic rigid body always participates in the simulation. When this setting is disabled, the rigid
body does not participate in the simulation if its linear velocity's magnitude is below 0.8 and angular velocity's magnitude
is below 1.0. The velocity thresholds are currently not exposed for user control. The bullet object re-engages if it receives
an impact. This is an optimization setting and can help to stop the lasting "simmering" motion of a bullet object.
Setting to zero for a dynamic body effectively turns it into a kinematic rigid body. That is, the body stops moving due to forces
in the physics simulation. This attribute can be animated, and can be useful to lock objects in place.
Use this setting to define the clamp value applied to the linear velocity when calculating rolling friction. Because the
physical property does not model rolling friction, it uses a dampening system so that objects can come to rest.
For example, without a Damping setting, a rolling sphere rolls on forever. It is done by scaling linear velocities at each
simulation step by dampening factor for all colliding objects.
A value of 1 retains actual velocity. Any value below one decreases velocity, while any value greater increases it.
Sets the center of mass for the object used as the rotational pivot.
Lets you reposition the collider shape, relative to the center of mass. If your object scales, the collider shape offset
will be in non-scaled units. However, the center of mass (rotation pivot) Is scaled.
Use this setting to define the clamp value applied to the angular velocity when calculating rolling friction. Because the
Physical property does not model rolling friction, it uses a dampening system so that objects can come to rest.
A value of 1 retains actual velocity. Any value below one decreases velocity, while any value greater increases it.
Use the setting to set the surface resistance of an object.
Sets the speed at which the solve object returns to its original state.
Activate this so that the dynamic rigid body does not react until something collides with it.
Change this setting to modify the linear movement of the object. Use this setting to define the clamp value applied to the
rigid body's start velocity when calculating rolling friction.
Change this setting to set the initial angular velocity or spin on the object.
Sets the impulse force applied to the object applied at each frame.
Sets the torque (rotational) impulse force applied to the object at a specified time
Sets the attributes in the window and closes it.
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