On systems with sufficient memory and graphic cards, provides large scene performance optimization and higher quality lighting and shaders. It allows for high interactivity:
you can tumble complex scenes with many objects as well as large objects with heavy geometry.
To switch to , select Renderer > Viewport 2.0 from the Panel Menus.
For the best performance and scalability, switch to without enabling texturing or shading in any of the other workspace modes. You should work with only one workspace panel
displayed in and avoid switching between workspace modes.
Features supported
supports the following features:
Viewport interaction
- polygon tools
- NURBS and NURBS curve tools
- manipulators
- dynamic manipulators
- stippling (in the solid area of the manipulator that is being rendered inside an object)
- cameras
- soft select
- includes support for global falloff
- soft modification
- interactive binding for skinning
- lasso tool
- support for tool feedback
- locators
- heads up display
- render layers
- , , and transparency modes are supported. See Renderer > Viewport 2.0 for more information.
- Playblast
- xray mode
- joint xray draw mode is supported
- Limitation: active component
- object based
- stipple draw mode
Viewport interaction limitations
- component numbering
- polygon sorting
- ViewCube
NoteIt is recommended that the ViewCube be disabled for Viewport 2.0. You can disable the ViewCube by selecting
Window > Settings > Preferences > and disabling .
- image planes
- offline Playblast
- File texture image sequences
- display layer display type: Template and Reference
- component Isolate Select
- Meshes:
- vertices: selection and pre-selection highlighting
- edges: selection and pre-selection highlighting
- support for triangular faces ()
- faces
- display of: tangents, binormals, normals, user normals, face normals
- multiple UV sets
- color set support
- false color on shaded, wireframe and vertex mode
- no support for the following:
- vertex/face mode
- crease edges
- crease vertices
- holes
- backface culling per polygon shape
- invisible faces
- UV topology
- user defined vertex color
- vertex index labeling
- control vertices
- edit points
- control points
- hulls
- normals
- patch centers
- surface origins
- surface UV's
- only , and smoothness levels are supported. (This is equivalent to using the 1, 2, 3 keys.)
NoteOnly the surface precision attribute controls the level of detail of the mesh. No advanced tessellation settings are supported.
- attribute (under the shape node) is supported.
- same tessellation levels displayed for wireframe and shaded modes
- Subdivision surfaces
- wireframe and shaded modes
- control vertices
- locators
- joints and IK handles
Shaders and textures
- wireframe, shaded, and default material shading modes
- adjusting material attributes in the and interactively visualizing the results
- bump mapping in all three modes: , and
- multiple CPV sets for surface shaders
- support for undefined color areas, where no color has been applied
- support for CPV modes such as Multiply, Add, Subtract
- support for different material channels
- spherical and cubical environment mapping
NoteWhen using the node with the default quality or high quality viewport, you must divide your cube texture data into individual sides of the
cube. The node has separate attributes for all of the faces of the cube: , , and so forth, which get combined into one cube map. Beginning Maya 2012, you can avoid doing this in Viewport 2.0. You can
connect your single file texture that includes all six sides of a cube to the attribute of the node, and Maya will load the cube map texture properly as a single cube map.
- render nodes as follows:
- Ptex textures
- non-layered textures
- all other Maya 2D shading nodes, including , are supported as baked textures
- all 3D shading nodes are supported as baked textures
- CgFX shaders
- substance textures
- approximated mental ray shader support:
- , and (approximated as )
- , , (approximated as )
- , , (approximated as )
- , , (approximated as )
- supported Utilities nodes:
If an object does not have a shader assigned, or is assigned a shader that is not currently supported, the object appears
shaded in the scene view with a bright pink color. If a shading network error occurs, the object appears shaded in the scene
view with a red color.
All other shaders not listed above are currently not supported.
Lighting limitations
- area lights
- image based lighting
API support
- plug-in shapes
- plug-in hardware shaders
- plug-in locators
- plug-in renderer
Viewport effects
- screen-space ambient occlusion
- motion blur
- multisample anti-aliasing
- gamma correction
- depth of field
NoteYou can enable depth of field by selecting, from the panel menus, .
Tip To select a for , select , then select the object you wish to remain in focus. The heads up display should indicate the distance of the object from the camera. Use this as your .
- consolidate world
- vertex animation cache
- thread dependency graph evaluation
Animation and rigging
- lattice deformer
- non-linear deformer feedback
- motion trails
- drawing of tangent beads and handles
- breakdown keys are displayed in a different color
- Joints
- support for standard bones
- support for joint rendering modes
- joint xray draw mode
- support for joint labels
- no support for child box mode
- HumanIK
- IK Effectors and the different draw styles
- pinning labels and release pinning
- links between IK Effectors and aux rotate pivots
- support for new HumanIK draw modes
Other limitations of Viewport 2.0
- paint effects
- artisan
- Dynamics:
Particles, fluids, and dynamics rendering, as well as dynamic workflows, are not fully supported.
The Maya Hardware 2.0 renderer supports command line and batch rendering from Viewport 2.0. You can select the Maya Hardware
2.0 renderer using the following methods:
See Maya Hardware 2.0 renderer for more information regarding the Hardware 2.0 renderer.