FBX SDK 2011

New Animation System

The FBX animation system has been completely redesigned.

Take nodes, take node containers, current takes, and FCurves have all been replaced by animation stacks (KFbxAnimStack), animation layers (KFbxAnimLayer) animation curve nodes (KFbxAnimCurveNode), and animation curves (KFbxAnimCurve).

The animation stack is now the highest-level container for animation. You can think of an animation stack as a stack of animation layers, e.g., Layer0, Layer1, Layer2, ... etc. An animation stack must contain at least one animation layer (Layer0, also called the base layer).

Advantages of the new animation system

The new animation system is more transparent, more consistent, and easier to learn:

New Evaluation System

All evaluation can be done with functions of class KFbxAnimEvaluator. These functions replace GetGlobalFromCurrentTake() and all its variants.

You simply query the scene for its evaluator, and then you can query the evaluator for the global or local positions of any nodes, as well as the value of any property, at the specified time.

The evaluation data is now stored in KFbxAnimEvalState, rather than in KFbxNode objects.

Advantages of the new evaluation system

Scripting with Python FBX

Python FBX is a Python binding for the C++ library of FBX SDK. It allows you to write Python scripts that can use most of the classes and member functions of FBX SDK.

File Format Version 7.1.

The default file format for FBX SDK is now 7.1. This new file format permits smaller FBX files and therefore faster loading and saving of FBX files.


If a scene has 50 robots, and the robots are all alike, instancing means that the FBX file needs to store only one set of mesh data for all the robots.

Levels of Detail for Meshes

A new class, KFbxLodGroup, allows you to have different versions of a mesh, each with its own level of detail (LOD).

File Referencing

A new class, KFbxReference supports the file referencing feature in Autodesk Maya.

DLL Distribution

Since version 2011.3 (June 2010), there are both static and dynamic libraries available for the FBX SDK. Versions before 2011.3 are offered as static libraries only.